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Lawsuit: Rikers Island Forces Female Detainees to Play Degrading Game of “Simon Says”

— September 26, 2024

“Even though city policymakers have long known of the unconstitutional conditions at Rikers and [the] risk of rape and sexual abuse of female detainees—from personal observations, prior lawsuits, public reports, governmental investigations, and the City’s own internal reports—City policymakers have utterly failed to take the necessary steps to remedy the conditions at Rikers,” the lawsuit alleges.

A federal lawsuit accuses a guard at New York City’s notorious Rikers Island prison of forcing a group of female detainees to play a “degrading” and sexually-charged game of “Simon Says.”

According to The Miami Herald, the complaint was filed earlier this week on behalf of plaintiff Jessica Brenner. In her lawsuit, Brenner says that a corrections officer—identified as Anthony Martin, Jr.—ordered her, along with several other women, to engage in “sexual acts” at the women’s facility on Rikers Island.

Brenner claims that she and her fellow inmates “had no choice but to play,” as Martin was their supervising officer and could have easily retaliated had they refused.

At the time of the incident, Martin was allegedly escorting the women to their housing units.

But Martin diverted from their expected course. He instructed Brenner to remove her pants and “twerk,” and ordered another woman to “hump” her and “smack her buttocks.”

One of the three women involved in the incident reported it to a counselor, who, in turn, alerted Martin’s supervising captain.

Jail cell; image by Ichigo121212, via Pixaby, CC0.
Jail cell; image by Ichigo121212, via Pixaby, CC0.

Brenner says that, several days later, she was approached by Martin. He separated her from a group of other detainees, and “demanded that she write a statement saying that nothing happened” during the so-called game of “Simon Says.”

Brenner agreed to Martin’s request but never followed through.

“Fearful and humiliated, she did not dare make a complaint about the sexual abuse,” the lawsuit alleges.

Leo Glickman, an attorney representing Brenner, told McClatchy News that his client—and others like her—need accountability.

“Only accountability will prevent rape and sexual assault,” Glickman said. “When prisons cover up these incidents, they only invite more sex crime against vulnerable, detained people.”

Martin, notes The Miami Herald, was charged with first-degree rape, first-degree sexual abuse, third-degree rape, and second-degree unlawful imprisonment in connection with allegations that he sexually assaulted a woman at his home in Queens earlier this year. He purportedly lured the victim to his home by pretending to be a T.V. producer, after which he locked her in a room and raped her.

Martin has pleaded not guilty to all charges in the criminal complaint.

Brenner’s lawsuit, for its part, seeks a jury trial and unspecified damages.

“Even though city policymakers have long known of the unconstitutional conditions at Rikers and [the] risk of rape and sexual abuse of female detainees—from personal observations, prior lawsuits, public reports, governmental investigations, and the City’s own internal reports—City policymakers have utterly failed to take the necessary steps to remedy the conditions at Rikers,” the lawsuit alleges.


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