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Defining and Understanding a DUI Offense in Fresno

— May 9, 2023

Motorists who have any worries regarding their situation should get in touch with DUI attorneys to get appropriate advice and counsel on what they should do next to lessen their risk of penalization.

The penalties drivers face due to driving under the influence will stay with them for a very long time. In California, the penalties a person faces for their DUI crime will depend on the circumstances of their case. If there are aggravating factors then the penalties will be a lot higher. Before drivers can understand what penalties, they may be subjected to, they should first understand the legal definition of a DUI offense. In California, the DUI laws entail that any driver who operates their vehicle with a BAC of .08% or more is considered under the influence. Whether they are intoxicated with drugs or alcohol or both, they can still be faced with a DUI charge. 

Drivers can turn to legal counsel for help if they are caught for a DUI. Lawyers can help individuals through the intricate legal procedures, so they are not inevitably subjected to every legal penalty presented to them. Fresno DUI lawyers will fight to have the charges reduced by accumulating evidence and investigating the arrest method as well. Drivers should not have to try and manage their worries after a DUI arrest on their own. California DUI lawyers have the experience required to decrease the penalties given by the judge and jury by as much as possible.

Do Drugs Have to Be Illegally Obtained to Get a DUI in Fresno, California?

When motorists drive their vehicle while under the influence of any sort of intoxication or drug then they can be charged with a DUI offense. Many drivers make the mistake of believing that the drugs have to be illegal in order for a DUI offense to be valid, but this is not the case. Even if a person is intoxicated with prescription drugs they can still face this charge, however, the charges for illegal drugs will likely be worse as additional penalties will also be added on to the final verdict.

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Photo by Olga DeLawrence on Unsplash

There are many legal complications that can arise after a person is arrested, and they can be made worse if the driver does not know what they are saying or what they are doing regarding their case. It is always better to get professional help when there is so much on the line and when a person is dealing with such a serious matter that will affect their life and remain on their criminal record for life.

Motorists who have any worries regarding their situation should get in touch with DUI attorneys to get appropriate advice and counsel on what they should do next to lessen their risk of penalization.  DUI accident lawyers can help a person fight for their rights to be recognized and they may even be able to have one’s charges decreased.

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