FLSA rules do apply when it comes to overtime pay.
If you are a legal employee in California, you should gain a basic understanding of the Fair Labor Standards Act. This federal set of laws provides you with a number of important rights and protections, and it applies to all workers across the United States. However, you won’t know whether your rights are being violated until you understand the general contents of the Fair Labor Standard Act. With a strong grasp of these laws, you can hold your employer in California accountable whenever they commit acts of misconduct.
Of course, it becomes much easier to hold your employer accountable with the help of a qualified attorney who has experience with employment law. If you suspect that your employer may be committing some kind of violation, consult with one of these legal professionals immediately. They can let you know whether the Fair Labor Standards Act has been violated. If this is the case, your attorney can then help you sue your employer in a civil court in order to recover a considerable financial settlement.
FLSA Minimum Wage
Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the FLSA is its laws regarding minimum wage. According to these laws, the minimum wage in the United States is $7.25 per hour. However, California also has its own state-mandated minimum wage that effectively supersedes this. Effective January 1st of 2022, the minimum wage in California is $14-$15 per hour, which is much more substantial than the FLSA mandate. This means that the FLSA basically does not apply in California when it comes to minimum wage.
FLSA Overtime

However, FLSA rules do apply when it comes to overtime pay. According to these laws, overtime pay should always be at least 1.5 times your regular wage. This means that in California, the minimum overtime wage should be at least $21 per hour. However, it’s important to note that the FLSA does not require employers to pay you overtime if you work on weekends or holidays. That being said, California dictates that you should be paid overtime once you work more than eight hours per day. In addition, you automatically start getting overtime for your seventh consecutive workday. So once again, the state of California actually gives you more rights compared to the FLSA when it comes to overtime.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you’ve been searching the Los Angeles area for a qualified, experienced employment law attorney, there are many options available to you. Team up with one of these legal professionals, and you can approach your employment lawsuit in the most efficient, confident manner possible. With assistance from an attorney, it becomes much easier to hold your employer accountable and pursue justice. Book your consultation today.
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