BAP1 As a Possible Genetic Defense in Asbestos Exposure Litigation

BAP1 is a genetic mutation that may possibly increase the chances of developing mesothelioma from asbestos exposure. A few defense attorneys around the country are hoping they can use BAP1 as a possible genetic defense in asbestos exposure litigation. HeplerBroom attorney Rebecca Nickelson is heading the defense team for Georgia Pacific in an ongoing asbestos

NHTSA Chief may Re-open Fiat-Chrysler Gas Tank Investigation

National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) Administrator, Mark Rosekind, has indicated that the nation’s top automotive regulator may take a more aggressive stance toward Fiat-Chrysler following a massive $150 million judgment against the company over the burning death of 4 year-old Remi Walden due to an exploding gas tank on his Aunt’s 1999 Jeep Grand

Amazon Lawsuit a Warning Shot for Fake Review Peddlers

Amazon has been a pioneering company in a number of respects, from becoming the world’s largest online retailer to introducing cloud computing technology to the masses, and 20 years ago, when they implemented the user product review. On Wednesday, April 8th, the company took major strides in protecting the integrity of the review process when

And here we go again: Louisiana wants some Religious Freedom

Because it couldn’t stand to be outdone by rivals Arkansas and Florida, or the once-polite state of Indiana, Louisiana has entered the religious freedom battle, coming strong with a bill that just might pass intact. Representative Mike Johnson (R-Bossier City) introduced HB 707 last week, the Louisiana Marriage and Conscience Act. The bill would allow