Economics and the Price of Health Care

How much of the price of health care is really what health care costs? That seems like a silly question, but it’s worth asking since it determines how much you end up paying. With medical costs rising, learning how prices are determined is the first step in keeping care affordable. The price of health care,

Will Trump’s Legal Issues Overwhelm Presidency?

It’s no secret that President-elect Trump has tangled with the courts a few times due to his many legal issues, but will it impact his presidency? It’s a fair question, considering that he’s currently entrenched in lawsuits with a couple celebrity chefs, and “is also caught up in an investigation by the New York attorney

SeaTac Workers Win Big In Minimum Wage Lawsuits

Throughout the last few years, the minimum wage topic has really taken center stage across the country, prompting some states to pass legislation to increase their minimum wage over time. Individual cities even hopped on board and increased the minimum wage rate for their workers, including SeaTac airport in Seattle, Washington. In 2013, city voters

Whose job is it to protest, anyway?

Last week, Meryl Streep’s speech at the Golden Globe awards inflamed the internet. Using the occasion of her lifetime achievement award, she spoke passionately (or incoherently, depending upon your preferred news source) about foreigners, empathy, and Donald Trump. Predictable reactions rolled in. Support, of course, from the left, and condemnations from the right, from Donald Himself

Niskayuna Rowing Club Suit Reaches Settlement

A settlement has been reached between Dawn and Carl LeGere, the Niskayuna Central School District and the Niskayuna Rowing club after claims from the LeGere’s that their son was treated unfairly by coaches during a rowing program. During the summer of 2015, the LeGere’s son took part in a Learn to Row program and was signed

Feel Good Friday: Changing Lives One Play at a Time

This week’s Feel Good Friday is unique in that it covers two states and several years. The power we have to impact the lives of others should never be underestimated. There are countless memes floating around about how sharing a smile or a positive word can have a lasting impact on the recipient. Do you ever wonder at how that smile or word affected the one to whom you gave it? Most of the time, we never know. That’s why this Feel Good Friday is so unique. We get to see how the efforts of two men from California – now working together at a Texas law firm – impacted a number of young lives, one in particular. This week’s Feel Good Friday is all about changing lives one play at time. Football plays that is (sorry, Shakespeare fans).