Honolulu Police Arrested 18 People for Drunk Driving in One Night
According to statistics HPD provided to KITV4, police arrested 2,539 people for impaired driving last year, and 658 people this year through the end of April.
According to statistics HPD provided to KITV4, police arrested 2,539 people for impaired driving last year, and 658 people this year through the end of April.
DUIs typically cause more damage than sober driving and they usually cause additional damage upon impact.
Sheriff’s deputies arrested that person for possible DUI. The man’s wife has a fractured pelvis and now uses a wheelchair.
Upon being pulled over, the driver was unable to comprehend commands from officer at the scene.
Maximum penalties may include more severe consequences. In California, a fourth DUI within ten years can be charged as a felony offense.
When the blood alcohol concentration reaches 0.08%, it is considered driving while intoxicated. Fines can range up to $2,000.
Tennessee’s government has estimated that a first DUI conviction without an accident or property damage can cost an average driver up to $5000.
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