What is a Defense to a Harassment Claim Against an Employer?
If two employees of equal status and power engage in a relationship, you are not expected to do anything about it.
If two employees of equal status and power engage in a relationship, you are not expected to do anything about it.
The statistics we so often hear do not compare men and women carrying out the exact same jobs. If we did compare men and women in this way, wages would be near identical.
Many drivers wonder whether they should refuse a breath, blood or urine test, but this is not advisable.
You might also consider showing that the relationship was clearly consensual, although strategy will not work if the sexual harassment was of the “quid pro quo” variety.
One of your very first questions should be: “Where can I find a sexual harassment defense attorney near me?”
Quid pro quo sexual harassment can be summed up as “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”
The employee will also need to file their claim within a certain amount of time, as the statute of limitations will prevent them from taking action if they wait too long.
Defendants often seek to mitigate legal consequences with the help of their attorney rather than escape penalties altogether.
Complaining to the management won’t solve anything. It might even make things worse for your loved one if the caretakers accused of wrongdoing decide to retaliate.
Fortunately for dog owners, personal injury attorneys can file claims on home insurance policies.