Welcome to the LegalReader Guest Posting Program! We thank you for your interest.
Guest Posting Program guidelines
We only publish:
- Law topics (lawsuits, explanations of laws, case updates, law school and law practice-related topics, etc.)
- Law-related Business topics
- Law-related Health topics
- Law-firm/lawyer-specific Marketing topics
- Press Releases
We are no longer publishing “general” topics in business, health, marketing, etc. via our Guest Post Program.
Legal writers must:
- either have a legal background,
- work for a law firm writing for lawyers/firms (lawyer/firm must be listed as author),
- a law-related support business (legal software, bail bonds, bar prep, etc.) or be a
- PR agency submitting press releases.
Health writers must:
- either have a medical background,
- work in healthcare writing for doctors/hospitals/agencies (which must be listed as the author), or
- be a business that supports the healthcare field (listed as author).
- Guest posting with us is FREE.
- You get your own byline (your name as you would like it to appear, a one-paragraph bio, and a head shot). You may reference your website in your bio. Please note: If you don’t include this information, we will publish your article under “Staff”.
- Guest posts are never labeled “Guest”, “Sponsored”, etc.
- All links in posts are do-follow. The link in your bio is also do-follow.
- Posts will remain on our site as long as we’re in business.
- Posts can be 500 – 1,500 words long.
- Posts should be sent to jay@legalreader.com, with the subject line LegalReader Submission.
- Number of submissions allowed per month per writer is capped at four in order to allow for a variety of articles/writers to be published. If you submit more than four, the excess will automatically be rejected.
- We publish two images with each post. We provide the images to ensure there is no copyright infringement.
- We publish articles in the order in which they are received to ensure fairness for all our guest writers. Our turnaround time is based on the volume of submissions, but is usually 2-4 weeks from receipt of article to publication.
- Due to the volume of submissions, it may take up to two weeks to receive either a publication date or a rejection notice. We will NOT reply to follow up messages as those only delay our review process.
- Note to freelancers: Your clients’ deadline will not be considered as part of the review process. Do NOT tell your client the article will be published until you hear from us. No exceptions.
- Please make sure our emails are not landing in your Spam/Junk folders. 99.9% of the time you don’t get the publication date notice, the rejection notice, or the link to your article on publication day, it’s because our message landed in your spam folder.
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