Although two years may sound like a substantial amount of time, many people often don’t consider the time they use to recover.
There are a number of reasons it benefits to contact a Houston truck accident lawyer following a collision, though a few stand out among others. These include:
- An attorney will take prompt action which can help to prevent evidence from going missing.
While it wouldn’t be ethical for trucking companies or their drivers to dispose of evidence that could result in guilt being pinned on them, it has happened in the past. If you want to reduce the chances of having pertinent evidence “go missing,” it’s a good idea to get a Houston, TX truck accident lawyer on the case as soon as possible.
- A truck crash attorney can speak with witnesses while the incident is still fresh in their minds.
As time goes on, so does our recollection of certain events. Thankfully, when a truck accident lawyer in Houston is retained early on, they can speak and/or meet with witnesses to ensure their recount of the accident is accurate as possible.
Additionally, when you hire a lawyer shortly after engaging in a truck collision, it is often easier for them to track down the witnesses that could potentially help prove your case. Oftentimes, people relocate or become difficult to get in touch with. To avoid having this happen, it’s best to hire a lawyer who can begin scheduling interviews with witnesses early on.
- A lawyer will get your case started before the statute of limitations expires.
Like all states, Texas follows what is called the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is a timeline you are given to take legal action against one or more parties. This timeline varies by case type and is typically two years for personal injury-related matters1.

Although two years may sound like a substantial amount of time, many people often don’t consider the time they use to recover. It also takes Houston, TX truck accident lawyers time to build a case. Therefore, if you want to ensure legal action is taken in a timely manner and before the statute of limitations expires, it’s recommended that you begin searching for attorneys near me.
A truck accident lawyer in Houston, TX can assist you with recovering the compensation you need and deserve.
If you’d like to find out if you have a valid case and what it is worth, can help you along with your search by connecting you with the best lawyers in the field. You can rest assured that an attorney will address your questions and concerns and help you fight for the maximum amount of compensation you are due (given that you have a viable case).
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