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5 Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

— August 5, 2024

Truck accidents can have devastating consequences, but understanding the common causes can help in preventing them.

Truck accidents are among the most devastating incidents on our roads, often resulting in severe injuries, significant property damage, and even fatalities. Understanding the common causes of these accidents is essential for improving road safety and reducing the risk of such incidents. By identifying and addressing these factors, we can make our roads safer for everyone.

The Role of a Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident, consulting an Evansville truck accident lawyer is crucial. These legal professionals specialize in handling truck accident cases and can provide invaluable assistance in navigating the complexities of legal claims and ensuring that victims receive the compensation they deserve. Now, let’s explore the five most common causes of truck accidents.

1. Driver Fatigue

The Impact of Long Hours

Truck drivers often work long hours to meet tight delivery schedules. Despite regulations limiting driving hours, many drivers still suffer from fatigue due to extended periods on the road. Fatigue significantly impairs a driver’s reaction time, decision-making abilities, and overall alertness, increasing the risk of accidents.

Regulations and Violations

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has established hours-of-service regulations to combat driver fatigue. These rules mandate rest periods and limit the number of hours a driver can be on the road. However, violations of these regulations are not uncommon, with some drivers or companies falsifying logbooks to exceed legal limits.

2. Distracted Driving

Common Distractions

Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents across all vehicle types, including trucks. Common distractions include:

  • Mobile Devices: Texting, calling, or using apps while driving.
  • Eating and Drinking: Consuming food or beverages while behind the wheel.
  • In-Cab Devices: Adjusting GPS, radio, or other in-cab technology.

The Consequences of Inattention

When a truck driver takes their eyes off the road, even for a few seconds, the consequences can be catastrophic. Trucks require longer distances to stop, and any delay in reaction time can lead to severe collisions.

3. Speeding and Reckless Driving

Pressure to Meet Deadlines

Truck drivers are often under significant pressure to meet tight delivery schedules. This pressure can lead to speeding and other forms of reckless driving, such as aggressive lane changes and tailgating.

Increased Stopping Distances

Due to their size and weight, trucks require more time and distance to come to a complete stop compared to smaller vehicles. Speeding exacerbates this issue, making it difficult for drivers to stop in time to avoid collisions.

4. Improperly Loaded Cargo

The Dangers of Shifting Loads

Cargo that is not properly secured can shift during transit, causing the truck to become unstable. This instability can lead to rollovers, jackknifing, and loss of control, particularly during sharp turns or sudden stops.

Overloading Issues

Overloading a truck beyond its weight capacity can also contribute to accidents. Excessive weight can strain the vehicle’s braking system and tires, leading to mechanical failures and reduced maneuverability.

5. Mechanical Failures

The Importance of Maintenance

Trucks in mechanics bays for service; image by Carlos Daniel, via
Trucks in mechanics bays for service; image by Carlos Daniel, via

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure that trucks are safe to operate. Mechanical failures, such as brake failures, tire blowouts, and steering malfunctions, are often the result of inadequate maintenance or defective parts.

The Role of Inspections

Truck drivers and companies are required to conduct regular inspections and maintenance checks. Failure to adhere to these requirements can result in dangerous mechanical issues that compromise the safety of the truck and other road users.

Preventive Measures and Safety Tips

For Truck Drivers

  • Follow Hours-of-Service Regulations: Adhere strictly to driving and rest period limits to prevent fatigue.
  • Avoid Distractions: Stay focused on the road and avoid using mobile devices or other distractions while driving.
  • Maintain Safe Speeds: Follow speed limits and adjust your speed according to road and weather conditions.
  • Ensure Proper Cargo Loading: Verify that cargo is properly secured and within the truck’s weight limits.
  • Conduct Regular Inspections: Perform routine checks and maintenance to keep the truck in good working condition.

For Trucking Companies

  • Enforce Regulations: Ensure that drivers comply with hours-of-service and other safety regulations.
  • Provide Training: Offer regular training sessions on safe driving practices and the importance of avoiding distractions.
  • Invest in Technology: Equip trucks with advanced safety features such as collision avoidance systems and electronic logging devices (ELDs) to monitor compliance with driving hours.
  • Prioritize Maintenance: Implement strict maintenance schedules and conduct thorough inspections to prevent mechanical failures.

Legal Support and Compensation

Seeking Legal Help

If you have been involved in a truck accident, it is crucial to seek legal help from an Evansville truck accident lawyer. These attorneys can help you navigate the complexities of truck accident cases, gather evidence, and advocate for your rights.

Compensation for Victims

Victims of truck accidents may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. A skilled attorney can help you build a strong case and negotiate with insurance companies to secure the compensation you deserve.


Truck accidents can have devastating consequences, but understanding the common causes can help in preventing them. Driver fatigue, distracted driving, speeding, improperly loaded cargo, and mechanical failures are the primary contributors to these accidents. By following preventive measures and seeking the assistance of an Evansville truck accident lawyer, victims can navigate the aftermath of an accident and pursue the compensation they need to recover and move forward.

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