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7 Ways to Overcome Challenges in Today’s Hectic World

— March 27, 2018

Everyone faces challenges in life. Whatever those challenges, overcoming them can be a matter of simply rising to meet and then surmounting them. For some, however, the ability to rise to the occasion and defeat life’s difficulties does not come as naturally as it does to others. For those individuals, they may need more than just the inspiring words of “Rise to the occasion!” While helpful and positive, they simply might not know how to do such a thing.

Everyone faces challenges in life. Whatever those challenges, overcoming them can be a matter of simply rising to meet and then surmounting them. For some, however, the ability to rise to the occasion and defeat life’s difficulties does not come as naturally as it does to others. For those individuals, they may need more than just the inspiring words of “Rise to the occasion!” While helpful and positive, they simply might not know how to do such a thing.

Well, there are ways to learn how. What follows are a few simple suggestions geared towards helping a person overcome adversity and conquer the trials that they are facing that aren’t just talk.

Perceive and Believe

It may sound a little obvious, but the very first step to overcoming obstacles is to see and acknowledge the obstacle in your past as soon as it appears. Hiding from difficulties or worse, denying their existence, can make them even worse in the future. Often, things can worsen rapidly, making a mountain out of the proverbial molehill. Being able to act quickly is the very first step to solving and conquering any adversity placed in your path. Keep in mind that a little bit of worrying can help you live longer, but try not to delve into paranoia.

Manage Your Emotions

Panic can cause you to lose your focus and make decisions that are not well thought out. It can worsen into a full-on panic attack if you let it. Taking a breath and a break from the situation is the usual advice, but sometimes you need a little bit more. Psychiatric drugs can help, but if anxiety is a real problem you may want to consider using cannabis that became legal in the U.S. recreationally or medically. If you are a medical or recreational cannabis user, consider using a vaporizer. Vaporizers, whether a volcano weed vaporizer or one that uses cannabis oil, allow you to dose yourself precisely. You can take a few puffs – not enough to get too high – but enough to take the edge of the anxiety.

Set Goals

There are times when a challenge can seem insurmountable when seen as a whole. Take weight loss. Saying “I need to lose 50 pounds” can seem like an impossible task. However, setting a smaller goal to start – like losing just 10 percent of the overall weight – 5 pounds –  can seem much easier to accomplish. A goal should still be a challenge, but it should be something that is completely achievable. Take care, however, not to set your sights too low – and make sure that your desired overall outcome is somewhere down the line.

Prepare … Even if it’s Too Late

There are some things that no one can truly prepare for. An unexpected illness. A divorce. A layoff. However, highly successful people are prepared before they even need to be. The old saying goes, “Expect the best, but prepare for the worst.” One of the keys to this is to develop good, productive habits and eliminate any habits which are wasteful.

Make it a Game

This can go hand-in-hand with setting goals. For each little victory, give yourself a small reward. Challenge yourself to surpass yesterday’s efforts today. One thing that survivors have in common is celebrating the small victories. Successful people take joy even in the smallest of feats and successes.

Get Help/Give Help

Facing adversity is sometimes the best time to ask for help. Throw away your pride and ask friends and family for the help you need in overcoming the obstacles that you are facing. Don’t stop there. Sometimes the best way to be successful is also to be selfless.

Helping each other; image by Roman Carey, via, CC0.
Helping each other; image by Roman Carey, via, CC0.

It is often in helping someone else that we increase the feeling of meaning in our lives. Another thing that survivors have in common is that many of them give to others even in the worst of times.

Make a List of Gratitude

When facing adversity, it can often seem as though everything is going wrong and little or nothing is going right. If you find yourself feeling this way, a change in perspective might help. Instead of looking at all the things that have gone wrong, reflect on the things that have gone right. The things that you have to be thankful and grateful for. Write these things down in a list – this can go a long way towards coping with any difficulties you might face.

Facing difficulties is never supposed to be easy. Perception can alter how we treat those difficulties and often, altering our viewpoint is the key to overcoming adversity. And

Portable vaporizer; image via, CC0.
Portable vaporizer; image via, CC0.

sometimes we may need a little chemical help to do that. Remember that cannabis can help to calm anxieties and overcome depression that might stand in your way. By using a vaporizer, you can get a bigger effect using less product. Try a dry herb vaporizer if you are dealing with a lot of anxiety at home or use a vape pen for on-the-go dosing.

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