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Time Management Tactics: Maximizing Efficiency in Legal Practice

— October 10, 2024

I’ve found the Pomodoro Technique to be particularly beneficial. This method involves working in focused intervals—the amount of time allocated depending on the task—followed by short breaks. ~ Jessica Throckmorton, Legal Assistant, Goldburd McCone LLP

Legal professionals are often swamped with tasks, so mastering time management is crucial. We’ve gathered sixteen tips from partners, attorneys, and other legal experts, ranging from tackling difficult tasks first to boosting productivity with the Pomodoro Technique. Discover how these seasoned professionals handle their demanding workloads with efficiency and poise.

  • Tackle Difficult Tasks First
  • Assess Work Habits and Adapt
  • Schedule Tasks with Time Blocking
  • Utilize Structured Task Lists
  • Apply the Eisenhower Matrix
  • Track Time for Efficiency
  • Set Micro-Deadlines for Tasks
  • Maintain a Detailed Case Spreadsheet
  • Sort Tasks with Urgent-Important Matrix
  • Rank Tasks by Significance
  • Organize Workflows with Notion
  • Identify Top Three Daily Tasks
  • Delegate and Trust Your Team
  • Focus on Impactful Tasks
  • Schedule Breaks for Mental Recovery
  • Boost Productivity with Pomodoro Technique

Tackle Difficult Tasks First

Do the most pressing task or the one you’ve been putting off first. I think most people tend to start with their easiest tasks, such as emails, and then plan on doing the harder tasks later. I have found that my productivity is much better when I attack that difficult task first. It takes the load off your shoulders and makes the rest of the day feel easier.

Cameron Dugger, Partner, Dugger & Key PLLC

Assess Work Habits and Adapt

As a legal professional, my best time-management tip is to regularly assess my work habits and recognize when I am procrastinating on tasks that require immediate attention. This awareness has been transformative in avoiding the negative spiral of delay and stress. I take moments to reflect on the reasons behind my procrastination, whether it’s feeling overwhelmed or needing clarification on the task at hand. 

By understanding these triggers, I can address them directly, whether by breaking down tasks into more manageable parts or seeking assistance when necessary. Implementing a structured schedule that includes buffer times for unexpected issues has also been invaluable. This approach not only enhances my productivity but also ensures I deliver quality work despite a demanding workload. Cultivating this self-awareness and adaptability has significantly improved my efficiency and overall job satisfaction.

Rick C., Licensed Paralegal & Legal Assistant | Marketing expert, Kahlon Law

Schedule Tasks with Time Blocking

Time blocking. If a task needs to be done and remains on your to-do list, it can stay there indefinitely. However, moving it from the to-do list to the calendar does two things. First, it forces you to complete the activity at a specific time (it’s best if you have an assistant or accountability partner who can ensure you do the work you’ve been avoiding). Second, it can show you that you have said “yes” to too many things. Most of us are overworked and don’t have time to do all the work we’ve agreed to. By placing that work in a time block on the calendar, we demonstrate to ourselves just how many things we’ve committed to that simply aren’t important.

Brian Glass, Personal Injury Attorney, Ben Glass Law

Utilize Structured Task Lists

I’ve learned firsthand that effective time management is the cornerstone of success. Amidst the constant barrage of client demands, court deadlines, and administrative tasks, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s where the humble task list comes into play.

A well-structured task list provides a clear roadmap for my day. By breaking down large, daunting projects into smaller, more manageable tasks, I can avoid feeling paralyzed by the enormity of my workload. It helps me stay focused on what truly matters and prioritize accordingly.

When I have a clear understanding of what needs to be done and when, I can work more efficiently. This means less time switching between tasks and more time dedicated to productive work. Knowing that I have a plan in place can significantly reduce stress and anxiety as well. A task list provides a sense of control and helps me avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed.

A task list also acts as a constant reminder of my commitments, so it keeps me accountable and helps me stay on track, ensuring that deadlines are met and clients are satisfied. And while I strive to stick to my task list, I also understand that unexpected events can arise. That’s why I’m flexible with the due dates on my task list. This approach allows me to adjust my priorities as needed, ensuring that I can still meet my goals without feeling burnt out.

Creating task lists is a simple yet powerful time management strategy that has helped me navigate the demands of running a law firm. By prioritizing tasks, staying focused, and remaining flexible, I’ve been able to increase my productivity, reduce stress, and deliver exceptional results for my clients.

David Matthews, Founder, Matthews & Associates

Apply the Eisenhower Matrix

One of my preferred management strategies involves prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance through the Eisenhower Matrix. By classifying tasks into four quadrants—urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important—I ensure my focus on the essentials. 

As an attorney, I simultaneously manage multiple cases. Using this method helps me handle heavy workloads by directing my attention to high-impact tasks, delegating or postponing less crucial tasks, and steering clear of unnecessary distractions. By implementing the Eisenhower Matrix, I’m able to streamline my workflow, manage my time more effectively, and deliver higher-quality results for my clients.

Alex King, Founding Attorney, First Coast Criminal Defense

Track Time for Efficiency

As a criminal defense attorney, one of the most effective time-management tips I can share for legal professionals is the disciplined use of time tracking. In the world of criminal defense, where every minute can make a difference, keeping a meticulous record of how time is spent is crucial. I use time tracking not just to ensure accurate billing but as a tool for analyzing my work patterns and identifying areas where I can improve efficiency.

Tracking the time spent on different tasks allows me to pinpoint which activities are consuming more time than they should and adjust my workflow accordingly. This has also helped me allocate my time more effectively between urgent client needs, court preparations, and strategic case planning. It allows me to set realistic daily goals and prioritize tasks based on their impact on a case.

Time tracking also serves as a reminder to take breaks and manage energy levels throughout the day, which is essential for maintaining focus and preventing burnout. By being aware of how every hour is utilized, I’ve been able to navigate demanding workloads with greater precision, ensuring that each client receives the attention their case deserves while maintaining a balanced and sustainable work routine.

Scott Monroe, Founder and Criminal Defense Attorney, Monroe Law, P.A.

Set Micro-Deadlines for Tasks

Breaking down big-case deadlines into smaller, manageable tasks has been a game-changer for me. Instead of focusing on a massive deadline weeks or months away, I set micro-deadlines for specific tasks. For example, if a court filing is due in a month, I’ll set separate deadlines for research, drafting, and revisions. Each smaller deadline keeps me on track and ensures I’m not scrambling at the last minute.

One practical method to implement this is to use a project management tool like Trello or Asana. I create a board for each case, list out all the tasks, and assign deadlines to each one. This way, I can visually track progress and adapt if something takes longer than expected. This approach not only helps manage my time but also reduces stress, making the entire workload feel more approachable.

Andy Gillin, Attorney & Managing Partner, GJEL Accident Attorneys

Maintain a Detailed Case Spreadsheet

Track all your cases using a spreadsheet, and update this spreadsheet weekly to keep tabs on deadlines, court dates, and other important details. I’ve been doing this for over a decade and still swear by it. I also cross-reference everything on my calendar. It’s the most bulletproof way of always knowing what’s coming up so I can plan my time effectively. 

It’s unlikely that things will slip through the cracks when you have such a system in place. Rather, you can quickly identify areas where you’re overcommitted and make adjustments to the schedule. For example, if I notice that I have three hearings scheduled for the same week, I’ll reach out to opposing counsel and the court to see if any of the dates can be rescheduled. You need this foresight to help you meet the most demanding caseloads with confidence and efficiency.

Riley Beam, Managing Attorney, Douglas R. Beam, P.A.

Sort Tasks with Urgent-Important Matrix

I manage my time with a simple yet super-effective method called the “urgent-important matrix.” This useful method sorts all my tasks into four clear categories: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. It’s incredible!

With this technique, I look closer at what really needs my attention, aligning my daily efforts with my bigger, long-term goals. This way, I’m not just busy—I’m productive! It’s especially useful for slashing stress levels and nailing those tight deadlines, all while keeping my eyes on the prize: immediate legal matters and strategic planning.

By streamlining my focus, I improve both my productivity and efficiency. It’s like giving my day a roadmap, so I know when to speed up and when it’s okay to slow down. This isn’t just a good practice—it’s an essential one for anyone looking to achieve their best without getting overwhelmed.

Steven Rodemer, Owner and Attorney, The Law Office of Rodemer & Kane

Rank Tasks by Significance

The key to effective time management is the straightforward process of ranking tasks without room for compromise. Although each case seems to demand immediate attention within the legal sector, it’s crucial to differentiate between what’s truly important and what’s just urgent.

I employ a method that sorts tasks according to their significance and due dates. This strategy lets me address the most pressing matters first, preventing oversights.

Adopting this method has been a revolutionary change. It turns seemingly insurmountable tasks into actionable to-do lists. It empowers me to manage my time efficiently and enjoy the confidence of concentrating on what’s truly important.

Mark Hirsch, Co-founder and Personal Injury Attorney, Templer & Hirsch

Organize Workflows with Notion

One of the best time-management tools I’ve found as a legal professional is the Notion app. Notion has been a game-changer for organizing my workflow and staying on top of a demanding schedule. It allows me to create a centralized hub where I can track tasks, manage case files, and keep important notes all in one place. The flexibility of Notion is one of its greatest strengths; I can customize it to fit my specific needs, whether it’s creating a simple to-do list or building a more complex project management system.

The ability to integrate different types of content, from text and tables to links and files, means that I can keep all relevant information together, making it easier to reference and stay organized. For instance, I can create a separate page for each client or case, with sections dedicated to important deadlines, court documents, and strategy notes. This not only helps in managing my workload effectively but also ensures that I have quick access to all necessary information when needed.

What I appreciate most about Notion is how it streamlines communication and collaboration. For cases that involve multiple team members, I can share pages and assign tasks directly within the app, which helps in keeping everyone aligned and informed. This reduces the need for back-and-forth emails and makes it easier to track progress on shared tasks.

Using Notion has significantly improved my efficiency by allowing me to stay organized, prioritize tasks, and maintain a clear overview of all ongoing work. It’s a tool that adapts to the way I work, helping me manage time more effectively and focus on delivering the best outcomes for my clients. This has been particularly beneficial in navigating the complexities of legal work, where staying on top of deadlines and details is crucial to success.

Rock Rocheleau, Founder & Attorney, Right Lawyers

Identify Top Three Daily Tasks

One of the best time-management strategies I’ve implemented is to start each day by reviewing my caseload and identifying the top three tasks that will have the most significant impact on my clients’ cases. By focusing on these high-priority tasks first, I ensure that the most critical issues are addressed promptly, which helps maintain the momentum in each case and keeps the quality of our work at the highest level.

This approach has been especially helpful in managing the demanding workload that comes with running a law firm. It allows me to stay on top of urgent client needs while also making sure that important but less time-sensitive tasks don’t fall through the cracks. This daily practice has not only improved my efficiency but has also helped me create a balanced workday, reducing stress and allowing me to focus on both the immediate needs of our clients and the long-term success of the firm.

Ed Hones, Attorney At Law, Hones Law Employment Lawyers PLLC

Delegate and Trust Your Team

My best time-management tip is to delegate effectively and trust your team. Since I oversee all cases and manage legal staff, it’s important to recognize that I can’t do everything myself. I have been able to surround myself with talented professionals, and by giving them the autonomy to handle specific aspects of cases, I am able to free up my time to focus on the most important decisions that require my direct involvement.

This has been pivotal in navigating the demanding workloads that come with running a successful law firm. It allows me to maintain a high standard of service for our clients while also ensuring that the firm runs efficiently. Delegation streamlines operations and empowers my team, encouraging a collaborative environment where everyone is contributing to the firm’s success. Prioritizing tasks that require my attention and entrusting others with responsibilities they’re equipped to handle, I can manage the demands of leadership while still delivering exceptional results for our clients.

Irwin Zalkin, Owner, Founder & Senior Partner, The Zalkin Law Firm P.C.

Focus on Impactful Tasks

I rely on organizing tasks based on impact rather than urgency. In the legal field, especially when representing survivors of childhood sexual abuse or handling complex Title IX cases, it’s easy to get caught up in urgent matters that demand immediate attention. However, I’ve found that focusing on tasks that have the greatest impact on a case’s outcome, even if they aren’t the most pressing, leads to more successful and efficient work.

I usually start each day by reviewing my to-do list and identifying the top three tasks that will most significantly move a case forward. This helps to manage my demanding workloads by preventing burnout; I’m able to allocate my energy and resources to the areas that truly matter, leading to better results for my clients and more manageable workdays for myself. I am able to concentrate on what will have the most substantial effect and navigate even the most challenging cases with clarity and purpose.

Alex Zalkin, Partner, The Zalkin Law Firm P.C.

Schedule Breaks for Mental Recovery

One time-management tip that has been particularly helpful to me as a lawyer is to plan specific breaks to “mentally let go.” Instead of working non-stop, I consciously plan short moments in which I completely detach myself from my work, be it by taking a short walk or having a brief conversation about a completely different topic. These breaks allow my mind to recover, which helps me to approach my tasks later with fresh energy and a clear head.

Black and white analog egg timer; image by Marcelo Leal, via
Image by Marcelo Leal, via

Surprisingly, this significantly increases my productivity and creativity, especially when it comes to complex or tedious tasks. It’s an approach that not only increases efficiency but also helps to reduce stress and improve work-life balance in the long term.

Nico Glöckle, Lawyer, Founder of Glöckle Rechtsanwälte, Glöckle Rechtsanwälte

Boost Productivity with Pomodoro Technique

In a bustling firm where constant interruptions are the norm, finding uninterrupted time is a rarity. To stay productive in such an environment, adhering to effective time-management strategies is crucial. I’ve found the Pomodoro Technique to be particularly beneficial. This method involves working in focused intervals—the amount of time allocated depending on the task—followed by short breaks. This approach not only enhances productivity but also reduces mental fatigue and improves overall output.

By breaking tasks into manageable intervals, I can allocate dedicated time for each duty and track progress more effectively. The structured workflow helps to manage tasks efficiently, while the short breaks prevent burnout and maintain high-quality deliverables. As I continue to navigate the demands of the legal world, I plan to continue using this method with necessary adjustments along the way, but it has continued to serve me well in this ever-growing field.

Jessica Throckmorton, Legal Assistant, Goldburd McCone LLP

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