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16 Strategies for Identifying and Mitigating Legal Risks in Startups

— October 10, 2024

Proactively identifying and mitigating legal risks in a startup is all about anticipating potential issues before they become costly problems. ~ Brandon Leibowitz, Owner, SEO Optimizers

Navigating the legal landscape as a startup can be daunting, but with insights from CEOs and founders, you can learn to proactively identify and mitigate risks. From ensuring compliance to reviewing contracts and safety protocols, discover sixteen invaluable strategies that have proven to save the day for various startups.

  • Ensure Compliance in Cannabis Industry
  • Adapt to Mental Health Regulation Changes
  • Prevent FTC Violations in Marketing
  • Utilize Airtight Service Agreements
  • Automate Compliance Software for Global Clients
  • Revise Contracts for Data Privacy Compliance
  • Conduct International Trade Law Compliance
  • Protect Intellectual Property With Regular Audits
  • Establish Clear Terms of Service
  • Review Employment Contracts for Compliance
  • Implement GDPR Compliance Proactively
  • Provide Legal Compliance Training
  • Adapt to New Crypto Regulations
  • Monitor Global Crypto Regulations
  • Protect IP with Non-Disclosure Agreements
  • Review Contracts and Safety Protocols

Ensure Compliance in Cannabis Industry

Being proactive in mitigating legal risks is an extremely important part of running my company. Being in the cannabis industry, we need to ensure that we’re informed on the various regulations in the different areas where we sell our products. In order to do this, we consult with legal experts and implement a variety of compliance checks. By regularly monitoring changes in laws around THC-based products, we ensure that our operations always align with state and federal guidelines.

An example of proactive risk management that “saved the day” was during the early days of the business, during one of our product launches. We identified a potential labeling issue regarding dosage information that could have resulted in regulatory penalties. By catching this early through our compliance review process, we quickly adjusted our packaging, avoiding both legal setbacks and potential damage to customer trust. This approach not only keeps us safe but also reinforces our brand’s commitment to quality and transparency.

Kam Talebi, CEO, Gigli

Adapt to Mental Health Regulation Changes

Identifying and mitigating legal risks in a startup begins with staying informed about the legal requirements and industry regulations relevant to the business. For us, it was crucial to ensure compliance with HIPAA and state mental health licensure laws. Engaging a legal consultant allowed me to regularly review our practices, identify potential legal pitfalls, and update policies accordingly. 

One instance where this proactive approach paid off was when a change in state regulations required the prompt adoption of new data protection measures. Being prepared allowed for a seamless transition, avoiding potential fines or disruptions. By fostering a culture of constant learning and adaptation, we transformed potential legal threats into opportunities for growth and improvement within the practice.

Kristie Tse, Founder & Therapist, Uncover Mental Health Counseling

Prevent FTC Violations in Marketing

We take a proactive approach to managing legal risks in our affiliate marketing business. I make sure to stay on top of all the latest regulations and guidelines around disclosures, data privacy, and advertising practices. We have a dedicated team that reviews all our marketing materials and partnerships to ensure compliance. One time, our diligence saved us from a potential FTC violation when we caught some misleading language in a partner’s ad copy before it went live. Being proactive has definitely helped us avoid major headaches!

Cyrus Partow, CEO, ShipTheDeal

Utilize Airtight Service Agreements

We believe clear service agreements are key to avoiding legal issues. We have a team of lawyers review all our contracts regularly to ensure they’re airtight. This approach has prevented countless misunderstandings with clients over the years. One time, a client tried to sue us for breach of contract, but our ironclad agreement saved the day. Taking the time to get agreements right up front saves a ton of hassle down the road.

Joe Davies, CEO, FATJOE

Automate Compliance Software for Global Clients

We have introduced automated compliance software that keeps pace with the challenges of regulations in all regions. This provides us with an opportunity to always keep our clients compliant with local labor laws, tax codes, and other legal requirements without manual oversight.

An example of proactive risk management would be the sudden governance change in the tax regulatory environment of one of our key markets; this could have led to expensive non-compliance fines for our clients. Because of our software, we flagged those changes early, corrected the processes, and communicated with our clients about all necessary updates—preventing any legal complications.

Being proactive with legal risk management not only saves costs but also fosters a level of trust with our clients, who increasingly rely on us to help work through the thorny proposition that is global expansion.

Lucas Botzen, Founder, Rivermate

Revise Contracts for Data Privacy Compliance

As an entrepreneur and business strategist, identifying and mitigating legal risks has been crucial to my ventures’ success. Early on, I worked with attorneys to review company policies, contracts, and compliance procedures. We identified several issues around data privacy, employment practices, and client agreements that could have led to litigation if unaddressed. 

For example, outdated clauses in our client contracts contradicted new data privacy laws. We revised all contracts and had clients re-sign, avoiding costly compliance penalties. We also improved hiring and employee management processes after finding improper documentation. Not exciting work, but critical for operating at scale with reduced risk.

Constant vigilance and a willingness to invest in prevention have been key. My companies regularly review policies, run audits, and make improvements to address issues proactively. While not glamorous, early risk mitigation has allowed for fast growth while avoiding missteps.

In one case, a client threatened legal action over a data breach. Fortunately, our strict security controls and prompt notification of affected users mitigated the damage. The client dropped the suit, impressed with our preparedness. Risk management isn’t exciting, but identifying issues early and taking action has saved the day more than once.

Victor Santoro, Founder & CEO, Profit Leap

Conduct International Trade Law Compliance

As the CEO of a thriving metal-manufacturing start-up, I’ve quickly recognized the importance of proactively identifying and mitigating legal risks. The priority is creating a robust risk management framework, including regular risk audits, staying updated with the relevant laws and regulations, and nurturing a risk-aware company culture, while also never underestimating the power of professional legal advice.

An example of proactive legal risk management saving our business occurred when we were in the process of setting up our supply chain. Being a global exporter, we had a potential risk of infringing international trade laws. Through our early-stage audits, we identified this as a key risk area. We hired international trade experts who ensured compliance by helping us understand and navigate complex laws and regulations, lowering potential legal liabilities. This informed vigilance enabled us to safely and legally conduct our business across borders.

Jason Woo, Owner, Able Hardware

Protect Intellectual Property With Regular Audits

It’s essential to stay ahead of legal risks, especially in an industry where intellectual property and licensing can get pretty complicated. One strategy we rely on is regular IP audits. These audits help us make sure all our assets, from game designs to characters, are properly trademarked and protected. 

For instance, during one of these audits, we found out that a third party was using a design very similar to one of our characters. Catching this early allowed us to handle it legally before it became a bigger issue, ultimately protecting our brand and avoiding a potential lawsuit.

Marin Cristian-Ovidiu, CEO, Online Games

Establish Clear Terms of Service

Proactively identifying and mitigating legal risks in a startup is all about anticipating potential issues before they become costly problems. From my experience, I’ve learned the importance of consulting legal professionals early on and establishing clear contracts with clients and vendors. For example, when starting my company, I made it a priority to ensure our terms of service were airtight, especially concerning deliverables and client expectations. This helped us avoid any ambiguity that could lead to disputes down the line.

One specific instance that stands out was when a client questioned the scope of our SEO services, claiming we had agreed to more than what was stated in the contract. Because we had carefully outlined the scope and set clear expectations in our agreement, we were able to reference the contract to resolve the issue without it escalating into a legal dispute. This proactive step of defining everything clearly in the contract saved us from a potential legal headache and protected our relationship with the client.

Brandon Leibowitz, Owner, SEO Optimizers

Review Employment Contracts for Compliance

Proactively identifying and mitigating legal risks within a startup involves several key steps. Firstly, establishing clear policies and procedures, staying updated on relevant laws, and fostering open communication about potential legal concerns are essential practices. 

As an employment attorney, I often advise startups to regularly review employment contracts, ensure compliance with labor laws, and implement HR policies and procedures to address issues like harassment, wage disputes, and wrongful termination. Educating leadership and employees on legal requirements, conducting regular audits, and maintaining thorough documentation are also crucial components of proactive risk management to preempt potential disputes.

Woman holding sign that says Read the Fine Print; image by Geralt, via
Woman holding sign that says Read the Fine Print; image by Geralt, via

To illustrate the value of proactive risk management, consider a startup I worked with that was rapidly expanding its workforce. By conducting a thorough review of employment contracts early in the hiring process, we identified clauses that were non-compliant with state wage and hour laws. Promptly revising these contracts prevented potential litigation and financial penalties that could have arisen from misclassified workers or under-compensated overtime. This proactive approach ensured the startup’s continued growth and legal compliance during a crucial period of expansion.

Anthony Michel, Attorney, Michel | King Attorneys & Counselors

Implement GDPR Compliance Proactively

I make risk management a top priority. We regularly review our policies and procedures to identify potential legal issues, then take steps to mitigate them. 

For example, early on we implemented strict data privacy and security controls to comply with GDPR. Even though we’re a U.S. company, we built our platform to handle EU citizen data properly from day one. This allowed us to easily sign enterprise customers in the EU, avoiding a scramble to become compliant later.

Another case was revising our terms of service. We found some outdated clauses that contradicted modern data laws, exposing us to litigation risk. We worked with our legal counsel to update the terms, then had all customers re-accept them. A bit tedious, but vital for risk reduction.

Risk management is an ongoing process. We frequently re-evaluate risks, make improvements, and test our controls. While not exciting work, proactively tackling legal risks has paid off by allowing us to operate securely at scale. The key is identifying issues early and addressing them before they become real problems.

Brian Pontarelli, CEO, FusionAuth

Provide Legal Compliance Training

We’ve implemented comprehensive training sessions on compliance and legality in teamwork, which has been crucial in mitigating potential legal risks. These sessions cover everything from harassment prevention to proper documentation practices, ensuring our teams are well-versed in legal considerations. In fact, last year, our proactive approach helped us quickly address and resolve a potential discrimination issue before it escalated, saving both time and potential legal headaches.

Barbara McMahan, CEO, Atticus Consulting LLC

Adapt to New Crypto Regulations

In my crypto-broker startup, I made sure to anticipate legal problems and contain them by having a legal advisory board whose members are also experts in blockchain technology and financial regulations. We’re constantly reviewing our operations and identifying potential legal concerns in real time, before things could get out of hand. 

For example, there was that time when new data-privacy regulations regarding crypto transactions were enforced, and because we had our advisory board, we have been able to quickly adapt our policies to be in compliance with these regulations and avoid any fines and legal hassles.

This really emphasized the value of expert legal advice from the outset. You can’t just be in motion and reacting to change; you have to anticipate it and move early. For other startups, I’d point to ongoing legal training for your team as an investment in the road ahead, and make sure you have some sharp advisors. Being ahead of the legal curve protects your business, but it also builds trust with your customers, and that is especially critical in crypto where “public trust” is such a key element and competitive advantage.

Thomas Franklin, CEO, Swapped ApS

Monitor Global Crypto Regulations

My business operates globally in blockchain and cryptocurrency, where regulations are often uncertain and vary from region to region. Therefore, we keep legal risk identification and mitigation as a priority. To detect such risks as soon as possible, we have a dedicated team that continuously monitors the regulations and works with legal experts in different jurisdictions to understand the evolving crypto laws.

One example of how our early risk management really worked was when we were all set to launch a dApp in a new market. Before proceeding, our team conducted a thorough review of local crypto regulations and realized that new laws were about to be implemented. These new laws could have restricted certain activities we had planned. Thus, by identifying risks early, we adjusted our strategy to ensure compliance with the laws. This not only prevented any penalties or shutdowns in the future but also built trust with clients and partners who value a compliant, reliable service.

Gagandeep Singh, Founder of Blocktech Brew, Blocktech Brew

Protect IP with Non-Disclosure Agreements

Non-Disclosure Agreements can be crucial in proactively identifying and mitigating legal risks within startups. When startups are in their early stages, they often share sensitive information with potential partners, investors, and employees. By using NDAs, we ensured that these parties were legally bound to confidentiality, which protected our client’s intellectual property and business strategies from being disclosed or misused.

One notable example involved a tech startup developing a revolutionary software product. They were in discussions with a major tech company about a potential partnership. Before sharing any proprietary details, we had them execute an NDA. This not only safeguarded their innovations but also provided a clear legal recourse if the tech giant had breached the agreement. 

During the negotiation process, the NDA proved crucial when it became evident that the tech giant had used some of the shared information inappropriately. Because the NDA was in place, the startup was able to address the issue swiftly and secure a favorable settlement, avoiding what could have been a costly legal battle.

Seth Persily, Managing Attorney, Elite Litigators

Review Contracts and Safety Protocols

I take legal risks very seriously. I work closely with our lawyers to review all our contracts and terms of service. We also have strict safety protocols for all our team-building events. For example, we require liability waivers and do background checks on vendors. One time, having clear cancellation policies saved us when a client tried to sue over a last-minute cancellation. Being proactive about legal matters has definitely paid off for us!

Hanna Kanabiajeuskaja, Founder, Spaciously

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