Non-economic damages are also known as pain and suffering damages.
LaPlace, LA – Truck accidents account for only 10% of all motor vehicle crashes nationwide, but they are by far the most dangerous. According to 2019 statistics, there were 655 fatal crashes in Louisiana that year and 103 of them involved large trucks or buses. That means over 15% in terms of fatalities, not to mention the thousands of people injured in truck accidents on Louisiana roads. If you live in the LaPlace area and were recently injured in a collision with an 18-wheeler or other type of semi, you need to contact a skilled truck accident lawyer to understand what your rights are.
What kind of damages can I recover after a truck accident?
If you were injured in a truck accident you have the right to file a personal injury claim and seek damages for your losses. You can recover both economic and non-economic damages.
Economic damages
Economic damages refer to your financial losses and include your medical expenses and your lost wages. You should never settle early and certainly not without consulting with a Louisiana truck accident lawyer first and here is why. On the medical side, you need to make sure your settlement covers all your medical needs, including future ones. The doctors may very well tell you that you’ll be up and about in three months’ time, but you can never be sure of that. What if you develop some unexpected complication and need another surgery? If you’ve already agreed to a settlement you won’t be able to get money for the surgery and your hospital stay. At the very least, your attorney will refer you to a medical expert for an independent opinion, so you know where you stand. The same goes for your lost wages. Your settlement should include lost future wages if you won’t be able to go back to your old job any time soon or you will be forced to look for an easier job that pays less.
Non-economic damages

Non-economic damages are also known as pain and suffering damages. They are meant to compensate you for your mental and physical pain and suffering. There are no bills that you can add up to determine the value of your pain, so you’d better seek advice from a truck accident lawyer with many years of expertise in this area. You can seek damages for your pain, as well as for your loss of enjoyment if your injuries force you to give up your favorite hobbies or you’re no longer able to take care of your kids or accompany them to their sports practice like you used to.
There are no caps on pain and suffering in Louisiana, but the judge and the jury will try to make sure that the damages you are seeking are reasonable. That’s if your case goes to court. Generally speaking, most personal injury claims concerning truck accidents are settled out of court. If you have a seasoned lawyer who conducts a thorough investigation into your accident, the insurance company will prefer to settle rather than go to court.
If you were recently injured in a truck accident in or around LaPlace, LA and don’t know who to turn to schedule a free consultation with an experienced lawyer at the Faucheux Law Firm.
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