Both eligible cardholders and caregivers can purchase no more than four ounces of dried, unprocessed marijuana in 30 days.
Medical marijuana was legalized in Missouri in 2018. At the moment, medical marijuana can be recommended by state-licensed physicians to patients experiencing various conditions and symptoms. Missouri residents can only be considered for a card if a doctor determines their condition qualifiable.
For one to be eligible for medical marijuana, you need authorization from a Missouri physician. The doctor in question must have a valid Missouri license and be in good standing with the state. They must also complete an evaluation and certify that you have a qualifying medical condition specified by state law.
Missouri’s marijuana legalization applies only for medicinal use and not recreational purposes. Marijuana is still illegal in Missouri and there are very strict laws on the consumption of medical marijuana.
How Easy Is It to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Missouri?
Issuance of a marijuana card depends on certification of the underlying qualifying condition and state approval of the card application. It is very easy to get a marijuana card in Missouri online. After completing the application, patients will be contacted by a licensed marijuana physician within 24-48 hours to schedule an appointment. The appointment takes about 30 minutes, during which the physician will review the patient’s medical history and certify that they have a qualifying condition.
What Restrictions on Medical Marijuana Users
A marijuana cardholder can possess up to a 60-day supply of marijuana, provided this is compliant with the recommendations in the prescription. They can grow up to six plants for personal use, but only if they keep them enclosed and never distribute them to external parties. Missouri law does not allow for the usage of marijuana in public places. It includes areas like:
- School
- Parks
- Workplaces
Violating these laws can result in a misdemeanor charge, with a maximum sentence of one year in jail and a fine of up to $1000. However, first-time offenders are often eligible for probation.
Marijuana users in Missouri must also be aware of the restrictions placed on driving while under the influence of marijuana. It is illegal to drive while impaired by any drug, including marijuana. If you are driving while impaired, you could face a DUI charge, with a maximum sentence of up to one year in jail and a fine. Medical marijuana users should only use marijuana in private and never in public. They should also purchase marijuana from a licensed Missouri dispensary and only possess up to a month’s worth of supply.

Restrictions Are Placed on Patients and Caregivers Under Missouri’s New Medical Marijuana Laws
Both eligible cardholders and caregivers can purchase no more than four ounces of dried, unprocessed marijuana in 30 days—Furthermore, you must have the approval of at least two independent physicians.
Nevertheless, if the patient grows their marijuana or has it grown for them by a primary caregiver, they are allowed to own 12 ounces of dry, unprocessed marijuana on the property. All production must remain enclosed and cultivated marijuana must never be distributed to anyone else than the patient in care.
Can You Own a Firearm With a Medical Card in Missouri?
Yes, you can own a firearm with a medical card in Missouri. The state constitution states that medical marijuana users still have their protected rights. However, it is essential to note that using marijuana while possessing a gun is still illegal. If you do, you could face up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $1000.
Can You Go Into a Dispensary Without a Card in Missouri?
No, you cannot go into a dispensary without a card in Missouri. Only patients and caregivers with a medical marijuana card are allowed to enter dispensaries and purchase products.
If caught trying to enter a dispensary without one, you could face a misdemeanor charge, with a maximum sentence of up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1000.
Are Edibles Legal in Missouri?
Medical marijuana users in Missouri are allowed to possess and consume marijuana-infused edibles, as long as they are for personal use only. Edibles must be sealed in the container and labeled with the amount of THC they contain. It is still illegal to sell or distribute marijuana-infused edibles.
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