You also need to consider what might happen if toxic, radioactive, or flammable material starts to leak out of a semi-truck after an accident.
Soon enough, New Mexico may see a massive influx of self-driving trucks on its roads. Self-driving technology has been praised as the solution to serious safety concerns that surround these heavy commercial vehicles. Maybe that’s true. But to say that any vehicle on the road is completely safe would be incredibly naive. While self-driving technology addresses safety issues connected with driver error, the software itself is still made by humans. As such, it cannot truly escape the problems associated with human error.
Whether there was someone behind the wheel or not, you deserve the right to take legal action if you have been injured by a semi-truck in New Mexico. Get in touch with a qualified, experienced truck accident attorney, and you can navigate this complex legal process in a confident, efficient manner. With help from a committed attorney, you can get your hands on a fair, adequate settlement for your damages. This settlement can help you cover missed wages, medical expenses, and any other losses you might have incurred due to your truck accident.
The Problem With Self-Driving Semi-Trucks
One of the big problems with self-driving semi-trucks is that there is no one inside the vehicle. This might sound pretty obvious, but it has wider ramifications. What happens after a self-driving vehicle collides with another motorist, causing serious injuries? As far as we know, the self-driving car might just sit there in the middle of the highway, doing nothing. But if there was a person on board that semi-truck, they would likely get out and check on the status of the injured motorist. Perhaps they would call the authorities, potentially saving that person’s life. In other words, that human element may be incredibly important for traffic safety.

You also need to consider what might happen if toxic, radioactive, or flammable material starts to leak out of a semi-truck after an accident. Now, an experienced trucker would immediately start to address the situation in some way or another. He might get out of the vehicle and start waving his hands to nearby motorists and pedestrians, warning them to get as far away from the vehicle and its deadly cargo as possible. They might even move their damaged and leaking vehicle to a safer location, putting fewer people at risk. What would happen in the same situation with a self-driving truck? Again, the vehicle may just sit there in the middle of the road, leaking flammable or toxic materials without anyone fully realizing the extent of the danger.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you’ve been searching the New Mexico area for a qualified, experienced truck accident attorney, look no further than The Law Office of Brian K. Branch. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured victims take legal action in an effective manner. If you have been injured by a semi-truck, you deserve the right to strive for a settlement. Self-driving technology may have the potential to save lives, but a certain number of accidents are always inevitable. Book your consultation today to go over your legal options.
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