Keep Your New Year’s Resolution: Make Contract Management Foundational to the Business
Perhaps the greatest value that CLM software can offer, though, is visibility into that “gap between strategy and execution.”
Dave Parks is the Vice President of Product Marketing at Contract Logix, a leading provider of digital contract management solutions. Dave is a passionate marketer with over 20 years’ experience and loves creating content that answers people’s questions and delivers his audience value. He’s an active writer, contributor, and speaker on contract management, digital transformation, and legal technology.
Perhaps the greatest value that CLM software can offer, though, is visibility into that “gap between strategy and execution.”
As healthcare contracts become more complex to create, negotiate, execute, and manage throughout the contract lifecycle, the tools to manage them need to keep pace.
COVID has changed the world forever. And when it comes to digital transformation, it has revealed the absolute need for businesses of all types to accelerate their DX strategies.
Companies are under significant pressure to digitally transform their business processes to increase visibility, continuity, and remote operations, and contract negotiation is no exception.