Dawn Allen is a freelance writer and editor who is passionate about sustainability, political economy, gardening, traditional craftwork, and simple living. She and her husband are currently renovating a rural homestead in southeastern Michigan.

Rebuilding After a Fire is a Disaster

Rebuilding after a wildfire can be a disaster itself, since insurance companies, stretched from more and bigger fires, may not pay the full cost of construction or living expenses. Maybe that will encourage us to change the way we think about doing the same thing over and over.

School Lunches: What Should Kids Eat?

Unhealthy food aimed at children who then grow up to reject healthier options is a complex, systemic problem, and it’s both unfair to schools to expect them to fix it alone, and absolutely necessary that they try.

Energy Alchemy: Sustainable or Silly?

How long can we rely on energy-intensive industries to transform fuel into plastic and plastic into fuel, or to perform services that nature would willingly undertake for free if we’d just get out of the way?