What Does the Upcoming Biden Administration Mean for the 2nd Amendment?
The results of the senate elections and the makeup of the courts will have massive impacts on what can be accomplished with regards to the 2nd Amendment.
Jay Chambers is a pro-free speech business owner based in Austin, Texas. Having lived through several natural disasters and more than a few man-made ones (hello, 2008), he believes that resilience and self-sufficiency are essential in this increasingly unpredictable world. That’s why he started a business! Jay writes over at Minute Man Review.
The results of the senate elections and the makeup of the courts will have massive impacts on what can be accomplished with regards to the 2nd Amendment.
Whether or not the protests affect our freedoms depends on the circumstances surrounding the protests and how society responds.
The most important thing to remember during a routine police check with a legal firearm is that you should be honest, cooperative, and calm. Don’t raise the alarm. You’re carrying the firearm legally, so you have nothing to hide.
The uniqueness and the unexpected low costs of these military wares remain the reason why Army surplus still sells.
In late March this year, YouTube waded into the gun control fray by quietly announcing a change in its policy regarding firearms-related content. Though the site already prohibited direct sale of firearms, they gave gun vloggers one month to tailor their videos to the new guidelines or get out.