What to Know About Comparative Negligence After a Pennsylvania Car Accident
After a car accident, determining negligence could be like peeling layers from an onion.
Jeffrey Reiff, the founding attorney at the Reiff Law Firm, has been a personal injury lawyer in Philadelphia since 1979. His firm has helped clients recover over a quarter of a billion dollars to date, and he is licensed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York.
After a car accident, determining negligence could be like peeling layers from an onion.
Losing a loved family member in a construction accident is a horrible experience. It could also have far-reaching impacts on your family’s financial wellbeing.
Commercial vehicle accident cases are more complicated than a typical automotive accident case. Consulting a truck accident lawyer after your accident is highly recommended.
Ultimately, your attorney can give you a better picture of how long your particular case will take. Cases with complex facts and multiple witnesses often take longer because there are more points for the defense to challenge.