Josh Wardini, Editorial Contributor and Community Manager at, has a preliminary background in communication and expertise in community development. Josh works day-to-day to reshape the human resource management of digitally based companies. When his focus trails outside of community engagement, Josh enjoys the indulgences of writing amidst the nature conservations of Portland, Oregon.

Are Teen Drivers Naturally Dangerous?

In early 2018, Ethan Couch regained his freedom after serving a 720-day sentence. He was sent to jail in Fort Worth, Texas, for killing four persons while driving under the influence of alcohol. He spent the remainder of his adolescence behind bars. He rejoined society a week before his 21st birthday. Are teen drivers naturally dangerous?

Seniors and the World Wide Web – A New Love Story

Using the Internet is something that is natural for teenagers and young adults. Day after day, they use it for almost anything they do. All electronic gadgets are now “smart” and can be connected to the Internet one way or the other. For seniors (people older than 65), the relationship with the Internet didn’t come naturally. However, the technology is continually evolving, and seniors are following suit.

Is Macy’s Moving Online for Good?

Due to the increase in online shopping some of the biggest stores in the world, such as Macy’s, are even struggling to keep all of their physical stores open, and many have had to close several branches or let some staff go.

70+ SEO Facts for Businesses

The common goal that every website owner in the world has is getting as much traffic as possible. Often referred to as “natural”, “organic”, or “earned” results, being at the top of the unpaid search results is every webmaster’s wish.

How Much Do You Know About Vitamins?

Today, at least food sources can be easily optimized by getting healthy selections of meals delivered at your front door by Blue Apron, but that’s only the first step toward better vitamin intake.

How Video Marketing Can Be Used to Advance Your Brand

Did you know that video marketing is one of the most effective ways to market yourself or your business? It all started back in 1994 when the first video was published. Now video has become a powerful marketing tool, but do you know how to get the most out of it?

eBay at a Glance: What Every User Should Know

Be it a celebrity hair lock, a man’s entire life, or even a single ordinary corn chip – everything sells on eBay and at prices that will make your eyes pop out. Besides these oddities, the ecommerce giant isn’t far behind in the race for utility either. The top selling product categories on the platform, after all, are electronics, fashion and clothing, lifestyle and home.

The Future of AI Incorporated Brands

Tech companies continue to come up with better and more advanced ways to develop artificially intelligent systems that will help industries in carrying out laborious activities, while increasing efficiency, speed, and accuracy. As time goes by, more brands have accepted the use of these AI’s in their production processes and in serving their customers. Walmart, Sephora, and even Lowe’s utilize AI technology in their everyday production, which is a clear sign that AI has become evolved enough for actual practical means.