Josh Wardini, Editorial Contributor and Community Manager at, has a preliminary background in communication and expertise in community development. Josh works day-to-day to reshape the human resource management of digitally based companies. When his focus trails outside of community engagement, Josh enjoys the indulgences of writing amidst the nature conservations of Portland, Oregon.

Quick Facts About Online vs. Offline Shopping

Everybody loves online shopping and its popularity has surged over the last decade. The ability to shop from the comfort of your own home and browse product reviews before committing to a purchase are two of the main reasons people love it so much and opt to shop online as opposed to visiting traditional retail stores.

Interesting Cybercrime Facts You Should Know

Cybercrime is a problem with which we are all too familiar in our modern world. Because we are increasingly reliant on the Internet and computers to perform online shopping, do business and, well, function, there is a huge amount of data there which cybercriminals want to steal. Cybercrimes are a huge issue and are the single biggest threat facing our Internet usage today.

Looking Back at Legal Problems for Uber – 2017

Uber has faced a lot of legal issues and backlash in response to the ride sharing platform’s shortcomings. In 2017, it faced a lot of problems and it was a seriously tumultuous year for the company. Here’s a look at some of Uber’s biggest legal problems throughout 2017.