Holding Employers and Insurance Companies Responsible for Worker Safety
Workers’ compensation pays workers if they cannot work due to job-related injuries.
Early in his journalism career, Kerry L. Tucker had a revelation: there were not enough experts reporting on law issues. Legal matters are part of daily life. Yet, there seems to be a general aversion towards them. One of the main reasons for this is that the convoluted legal language is difficult for many people to follow. Therefore, he decided to change how the law is perceived by the public. Throughout his career, he met with many people who shared their personal stories with him. Some of these hit him harder. One of the cases that stayed with him and influenced his future career development was a car accident case involving a child. From then on, he decided to zero in on car accident lawsuits.
Workers’ compensation pays workers if they cannot work due to job-related injuries.
If you are unsure if a recorded statement will help your claim or endanger it, consult a personal injury lawyer before making any statement to the insurance adjuster.
If the driver’s insurance company refuses to pay for your injuries, you may need to file a suit against the motorist.
Even if you aren’t suffering from visible injuries, you may have incurred some unknown internal injuries.
You risk oversharing information with your insurance company if you contact them before your lawyer.
There is no average settlement for a truck accident in Tennessee. This amount will vary greatly depending on the weight of the accident.
Be sure to stretch regularly. This will help keep the muscles and tendons flexible, which will reduce your risk of injury.
If a police officer notices a driver violating the law, they can pull them over and issue a fine of $50 for a first offense.
Child liability has been around for many years and is still a part of our civil law system. Under this doctrine, parents are responsible for the acts and injuries of their children.
According to experts, Stoics in ancient Greece and Rome adopted an interesting philosophy that resonates today among motorcycle riders.