Uber Class Action Sexual Assault Lawsuit
The case against Uber is likely to grow. Victims are able to join coordinated proceedings. Numbers are expected to increase to the thousands.
Lindsey is an SEO expert and PMP certified project manager. She has been working with law firms since 2015 & is the President of the local Women In Networking group in Apex, NC. In her spare time, she loves inventing board games and playing Pickleball. OptimizeMyFirm.com.
The case against Uber is likely to grow. Victims are able to join coordinated proceedings. Numbers are expected to increase to the thousands.
With liability in mind, insurance becomes a major issue.
The new opportunity for spouses is one of the broadest reforms to immigration policy yet.
Undocumented immigrants have many rights when it comes to reporting an accident and filing a personal injury compensation claim.
Those who have used Ozempic and now have serious gastrointestinal problems can consult with an attorney to learn more about the legal options available.
Negotiating a settlement will likely occur, and the issue being resolved in a courtroom is possible if the offered settlement is not deemed to result in fair compensation.
When Governor DeSantis vetoed the last attempt at alimony reform, he noted that retroactively adjusting existing alimony payments could amount to an unconstitutional denial of rights under some marital settlement agreements.
The different types of green cards have their own unique application process.
Other than those riding on instructional permits and those who have motorcycle license but are under the age of 21, there is no helmet requirement in Kentucky.
If a court is so disposed as to order alimony, a finding of fact must be made as to the type of alimony and how long it should be paid.