Gratitude for Great Contributions to Humanity
Good government saves lives. If we want better government, we need to value good governance.
Louis Lombardo runs a web site named "Care for Crash Victims." This is a project of a small business public benefit enterprise, Louis V. Lombardo, LLC. The mission is to improve care for crash victims before, during, and after a crash. Lou believes we are all crash victims -- past, present, and future -- as individuals, families, friends and society. Everyone is impacted by crashes as consumers, insurance premium payers, and taxpayers.
Good government saves lives. If we want better government, we need to value good governance.
Perhaps we are now left with only Trial Lawyers who can help crash victims by showing that better care was possible.
Then she said that “When children run and fall, they put their hands out to break the fall. They scrape their hands. And then to soothe the pain, they lick their hand wounds with the Ghetto Band-Aid – their tongue.”
There is only one Court above the Supreme Court and that is the Court of Public Opinion. According to the Gallup Opinion Polls the public disapproval of the Court is at 58% the highest level recorded.
Their work stimulated greater attention to the Nixon Administration’s failures to protect the health of Americans.
Lest we become pessimistic about achieving a worthy safety goal of ending crash drowning deaths consider the history of airbags.
NHTSA has long known that we could use crash information to improve emergency care of crash victims.
With the end of Daylight-Saving Time, it is more important to be seen to be safe.
AACN + URGENCY Software has enormous potential for reduction in mortality and morbidity.
We need and welcome Consumer Reports’ efforts to save lives!