You’ll Never Guess What You Can Claim as Damages After a Knoxville Truck Accident
Loss of enjoyment of life is another somewhat vague non-economic damage, but is actually quite common in personal injury lawsuits.
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Loss of enjoyment of life is another somewhat vague non-economic damage, but is actually quite common in personal injury lawsuits.
If a trucker is weaving between lanes or speeding, this constitutes reckless driving and it can be used to prove they failed in their duty of care.
Back and neck injuries are quite common in a truck accident, as the force of the impact will cause a violent back-and-forth movement of the head.
Negligence cases in every state become more complex when the person filing the lawsuit is found to be partially at fault for the incident.
The most serious result of any accident is if any people involved sustain injuries that require immediate medical attention or those that become fatal.
It is common for crashes involving motorcycles to end in catastrophic bodily harm, or fatal injury.
Minnesota law allows for additional compensation to punish certain defendants. These are called punitive damages.
Family members can receive compensation for things like funeral costs and missed future wages.
You’ll want to get a lawyer involved sooner rather than later as they need to investigate the crash, going beyond the facts described in the police report.
If the crash was caused by speeding, distracted or reckless driving, your lawyers will file a claim against the trucker’s insurance.