Bronx Food Processing Plant Pays $220,000 to Settle Serious Injury Suit
The man’s injuries included lacerations requiring sutures, scarring, and tearing of the anterior and posterior (tibiofibular) ligaments.
This post is an authorized copy of a press release and was not written by LegalReader.
The man’s injuries included lacerations requiring sutures, scarring, and tearing of the anterior and posterior (tibiofibular) ligaments.
“Mystal’s condemnation of our Constitution is based upon the skin color of the writers, the framers, which is insidious. Was it not Dr. King who advocated that we judge based upon the content of character, not the color of skin?” ~ Lt. Col. Allen West
Mr. Vanyo succeeds Katherine Brennan, who was named Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Marsh McLennan earlier this month.
The Board will next convert the “zero-tolerance” resolution towards homophobic chants into a formal policy.
Lt. Col. West stated, “…I took an oath to support and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, on 31 July 1982. That oath has no statute of limitations…”
Syngrafii integration with iManage will provide enhanced remote signing of documents that deliver security, authentication, and compliance for iManage clients.
ACRU files amicus brief for Coach Joe Kennedy Supreme Court Case.
Two students to receive $500 each in scholarships.
Less than one half of one percent of all of Chicago’s 2,672 signalized intersections provides APS for blind pedestrians.
Judge Magnus-Stinson also expressed her “grave concern” about Defendants’ failure to enable such voters mark their ballots privately and independently at home.