Lawsuits: Mass Rape at Indiana Women’s Jail After Officer Sold Key to Male Inmates
The officer allegedly responsible for selling the key has since recanted his confession, claiming he was “coerced” into claiming that he enabled the attacks.
Ryan Farrick is a freelance writer and small business advertising consultant based out of mid-Michigan. Passionate about international politics and world affairs, he’s an avid traveler with a keen interest in the connections between South Asia and the United States. Ryan studied neuroscience and has spent the last several years working as an operations manager in transportation logistics.
The officer allegedly responsible for selling the key has since recanted his confession, claiming he was “coerced” into claiming that he enabled the attacks.
The lawsuit claims a Black police officer, who has been connected to at least three other shooting deaths, was enacting racist policies and practices by opening fire on an armed teenager.
A San Diego Superior Court judge noted that the lawsuit was filed after the statute of limitations had passed, and that the plaintiff appeared to lack standing to bring a claim against the League.
The African-American plaintiff claims that Sesame Place performers intentionally ignored his daughter while lavishing attention on White children.
The lawsuit alleges that Florida’s controversial “Don’t Say Gay” law effectively prohibits students and teachers from exercising their most fundamental constitutional rights.
The families allege that Facebook-owned Instagram inappropriately shows young users images and content that could be addictive and spur eating disorders.
The lawsuit alleges that the Biden administration didn’t seek the requisite approval to enforce non-discrimination clauses against LGBT Americans.
The lawsuit alleges that a recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decision will violate disabled residents’ vote to choose their own representatives.
The unusual lawsuit suggests that a “deep state” was actively conspiring to block former President Donald Trump from assuming and regaining office in 2016 and 2020.
The former police officer was fired after informing prosecutors that she uncovered evidence suggesting that two of her colleagues had lied about evidence in a weapons case.