Ryan Farrick is a freelance writer and small business advertising consultant based out of mid-Michigan. Passionate about international politics and world affairs, he’s an avid traveler with a keen interest in the connections between South Asia and the United States. Ryan studied neuroscience and has spent the last several years working as an operations manager in transportation logistics.

NCAA Launches Investigation into Michigan State University and Larry Nassar

The NCAA has opened an investigation into Michigan State University and its handling of the accusations piled up against former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar. Nassar has pleaded guilty to seven counts of criminal sexual conduct. He’s been accused of molesting and assaulting over a hundred athletes throughout his career, including members of the U.S.

Schumer Shuts Down Border Wall Offer

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer shut down an offer to fund the president’s border wall, just days after putting it on the table. According to Politico.com, the senator told Trump through an aide that the deal was no longer up for grabs. Schumer purportedly promised over $1.6 billion in funding for a barrier along the

USA Gymnastics Predator Larry Nassar Sentenced to a Lifetime Behind Bars

Former Michigan State and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar was handed a harsh sentence Wednesday, following a seven-day hearing which gave voice to the physician’s many victims. Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, who presided over Nassar’s trial and sentencing, condemned the sex predator to between 40 and 175 years in prison. “I just signed your death warrant,”

Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Sues BuzzFeed Over Year-Old Article

Michael Cohen, President Trump’s personal lawyer, is suing BuzzFeed, claiming the clickbait-based media outlet defamed him by publishing a controversial dossier. Attorney Michael Cohen filed the suit last Tuesday, nearly a year after the BuzzFeed article was published. The piece presented a laundry list of allegations related to the Trump presidential campaign and collusion with

House Democrats Introduce Bill After Deadly Amtrak Crash

House Democrats introduced legislation on Thursday in response to last month’s deadly Amtrak crash in Washington state. The bill would hasten the implementation of a safety feature known as Positive Train Control (PTC). Entitled the ‘Positive Train Control Implementation and Financing Act,’ the legislation would automatically decrease the speed of trains traveling over the permissible

Louisiana Schoolteacher Says She Might Sue After Being Silenced

A Louisiana schoolteacher who was chucked out from a board meeting after questioning an official’s pay raise has said she’ll probably sue. While Deyshia Hargarve didn’t say litigation was inevitable, she seemed unsurprisingly open the prospect of pursuing a lawsuit. “We’ll see how it goes,” said the teacher, who was filmed being handcuffed and marched

Attorneys Take on Atlanta’s Oppressive System of Bails and Bonds

When police came to arrest Randall McCrary, they found the 45-year old in an unstable state. Covered in his own waste and screaming at convenience store customers, officers took the mentally ill man into custody some four months ago. Once in jail, McCrary couldn’t afford to leave. A municipal court set his bail at $500,