Ryan Farrick is a freelance writer and small business advertising consultant based out of mid-Michigan. Passionate about international politics and world affairs, he’s an avid traveler with a keen interest in the connections between South Asia and the United States. Ryan studied neuroscience and has spent the last several years working as an operations manager in transportation logistics.

California Legislators to Propose Ban on Confidential Settlements

In the wake of dozens of women accusing film producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment and assault, one California legislator is proposing doing away with confidential settlements. California State Senator Connie Leyva says allowing individuals like Weinstein to escape justice by way of confidential settlements enables predators to continue finding new victims without having to

Trump Repeals CFPB Rule on Forced Arbitration, Says He Wishes He Could Fire Cordray

True to a longstanding dislike for the Consumer Financial Protections Bureau, President Donald Trump collaborated with bankers to undo a rule governing forced arbitration. The move brought the commander-in-chief praise from corporate executives, who’d derided the CFPB regulation as unfair and costly. The CFPB measure was intended to stop banks from barring their customers from

Sessions and Trump Say NYC Terror Suspect Saipov Deserves Guantanamo

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that terrorists should expect to be tried in either civilian courts or military tribunals. The comment seems to lend some credence to President Donald Trump’s suggestion that a suspect in last week’s attack in New York could be sent to Guantanamo Bay. Speaking in a roomful of attorneys and law

Trump Plans to Boot Honduran and Nicaraguan Immigrants Fleeing Disaster

The Trump administration announced that it will end a special immigration program that protects some 5,000 Nicaraguan immigrants in the United States from deportation. According to officials in Washington, the program has run its course and is no longer necessary for Nicaraguans residing on American soil. The Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security,

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Dodges Prison, Faces Dishonorable Discharge for Desertion

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl managed to avoid prison time on Friday, despite a military judge ordering that he be dishonorably discharged from the Army. The former soldier made headlines in 2009 after disappearing from the outskirts of an Afghanistan military base. Intensive search-and-rescue efforts continued in vain for months. Confusion ensued after the Taliban revealed it

Democratic Senators Threaten Government Shutdown if Dreamers Aren’t Saved from Deportation

Democrats are considering a government shutdown to defend hundreds of thousands of Dreamers from deportation. Politico.com reports that California Sen. Kamala Harris (CA) raised the prospect of a shutdown if liberal demands aren’t met. The 2020 presidential hopeful said that any end-of-the-year budget would have to include protections for the former beneficiaries of the Deferred

Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Regulate Firearm Accessory Used in Las Vegas Shooting

A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced legislation to regulate a firearm accessory used in the Las Vegas shooting. Introduced on Tuesday, the bill would place some restrictions on the manufacture and sale of “bump stocks,” which harness the recoil of semi-automatic firearms to increase rates of fire. The legislation is authored by Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick