Ryan Farrick is a freelance writer and small business advertising consultant based out of mid-Michigan. Passionate about international politics and world affairs, he’s an avid traveler with a keen interest in the connections between South Asia and the United States. Ryan studied neuroscience and has spent the last several years working as an operations manager in transportation logistics.

Ivanka Trump Says Dreamers “Need a Long-Term Congressional Fix”

One day after her father unveiled an unrealistically harsh list of immigration requirements, Ivanka Trump called the plight of Dreamers “a very complicated issue that needs a long-term congressional fix.” Ivanka Trump’s comments marked her first foray into the debate over the future of those young men and women who were participants in the Deferred

“The War on Coal is Over” Says EPA Director Pruitt

“The war on coal is over.” The announcement was made Monday by the Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency. Speaking from Kentucky, Pruitt said the agency was working to roll back Obama-era regulations on carbon emissions from power plants. Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan was finalized in 2015, with its intent being

Trump Outlines Harsh Plan for Future of DACA’s Former Beneficiaries

On Sunday, President Donald Trump outlined his plans and demands for any legislation which might address the future of DACA’s former beneficiaries. The hardline policies on immigration may well complicate a deal Democrats had thought they’d made with the commander-in-chief on securing the future of the so-called ‘Dreamers’ in the United States – young men

Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Drop Travel Ban Case

The Justice Department has asked the Supreme Court to drop an upcoming case concerning President Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban. The request was submitted Thursday, meeting fierce opposition from several states as well as immigration advocacy groups. Opponents of the travel ban asked the Supreme Court to reschedule the case, or at least uphold the

Governor of California Signs Sanctuary State Bill

On Thursday, the governor of California signed a “sanctuary state” bill that would place limits on how local law enforcement agencies can cooperate with federal immigration authorities. The legislation was passed last by the Californian congress last month. Governor Jerry Brown played a pivotal role in negotiating the conditions underlying it. Brown’s signing of the

Nebraska Doctor Hit with Lawsuit for Repeatedly Botching Cosmetic Surgeries

A Nebraska doctor is facing a slew of malpractice lawsuits after being accused of repeatedly botching cosmetic surgeries. The Omaha-based physician, Dr. Gerard Stanley, Jr., is had seven complaints filed against him in August alone. In total, fourteen women have said coming under his scalpel has left them deformed. According to local news outlets, Stanley

NRA Unexpectedly Backs Ban on ‘Bump Stocks’

The National Rifle Association (NRA) unexpectedly announced that it’d back efforts to ban ‘bump stocks’ in the aftermath of the United States’ worst-ever mass shooting. Mass murderer Stephen Paddock used several bump stocks to provide enhanced firing capability to a number of semiautomatic firearms. In the course off 11 short minutes, Paddock fired hundreds of