Ryan Farrick is a freelance writer and small business advertising consultant based out of mid-Michigan. Passionate about international politics and world affairs, he’s an avid traveler with a keen interest in the connections between South Asia and the United States. Ryan studied neuroscience and has spent the last several years working as an operations manager in transportation logistics.

California Becomes First State to Sue Trump Administration Over Its Sanctuary City Policy

California became first state to sue the Trump administration over its sanctuary city policy, which aims to cut off funds from jurisdictions which don’t cooperate with federal immigration officials. While the White House has threatened so-called ‘sanctuary cities’ since the president took office, a plan recently approved by the Justice Department could see many municipalities

Colombian President Tells Pence ‘Military Operation’ in Venezuela Won’t Be Tolerated By Latin America

Just two days after President Donald Trump said a ‘military operation’ could be in store for Venezuela, one of the commander-in-chief’s Latin American counterparts told him to take any ideas involving the army off the table. In a statement, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said his colleagues across the continent favored “other measures” to address

President Trump Gives Into Criticism, Issues Condemnation of a White Supremacist Rally in Charlottesville

On Monday, President Donald Trump gave in to bipartisan criticism over his poorly-conceived condemnation of a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, VA. “Racism is evil,” the president said, speaking in frank terms at a hastily arranged press conference. “And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white

ACLU Sues Trump Administration for Detaining, Deporting Teenagers on Bogus ‘Gang Affiliation’ Charges

The American Civil Liberties Union launched a class action lawsuit against the federal government, alleging that immigration officials are rounding up, detaining, and deporting teenagers on bogus ‘gang affiliation’ charges. Working in conjunction with a coalition of lawyers from California, the litigation charges U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the

Trump Won’t Rule Out “Military Operation” in Venezuela

President Donald Trump told reporters on Friday that he wouldn’t rule out a “military operation” in Venezuela. Speaking to reporters at his New Jersey golf club, the commander-in chief explained what seemed to be a newly-developed position on the South American nation. “We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option, if necessary,”

Four New York District Attorneys Vacate Over a Half-Million Arrest Warrants

On Wednesday, district attorneys representing four of New York City’s five boroughs announced their joint decision to vacate over a half-million arrest warrants. The action serves as a way to free up courts from pursuing outdated and lost-cause cases. According to The New York Times, city officials began to aggressively ticket minor offenses starting in

Airbnb Cuts Out White Nationalists Bound for ‘Unite the Right’ Rally in Charlottesville, VA

Airbnb investigated and removed registered hosts from Charlottesville, VA, who appeared to be associated with upcoming ‘Unite the Right’ rally of white nationalists. Concerned users alerted Airbnb that members of the online neo-Nazi community The Daily Stormer were planning to use local properties to sleep and stage parties. Following a quick search of internal engines,