Ryan Farrick is a freelance writer and small business advertising consultant based out of mid-Michigan. Passionate about international politics and world affairs, he’s an avid traveler with a keen interest in the connections between South Asia and the United States. Ryan studied neuroscience and has spent the last several years working as an operations manager in transportation logistics.

Montreal Struggles to House Haitian Asylum-Seekers Fleeing United States

The Canadian city of Montreal opened the grounds of one of its largest stadiums to asylum-seekers fleeing the United States. Hundreds of refugees began moving into the city’s former Olympic Stadium on Monday, taking up temporary residence in a public hall. Outfitted with dozens of cots, internet service, locker room showers, and concession stands, the

Immigration Courts and Deportations Fall From Obama-Era Highs Under Trump Administration

A surprising set of figures recently released by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement shows that deportations under President Trump are proceeding at a much slower pace than they were under his predecessor, Barack Obama. The agency’s records show that, between February 1st and June 30th, ICE officials detained and deported 84,473 people. Effectively, immigration officials have

‘Most Hated Man in America’ Martin Shkreli Found Guilty of Securities Fraud

Following five days of a deliberation, a Brooklyn-based jury found Martin Shkreli guilty of two counts of securities fraud as well as conspiracy. The 34-year old businessman was acquitted of five charges of conspiracy. Shkreli’s sentence hasn’t yet been set. After tossing a nervous smirk to his legal counsel, Skhreli headed outside to decry the

Trump Calls with Mexican President, Australian PM, Show Frustration with Border Wall, Immigrants, and Refugees

The recently-released transcript of a January phone call between Donald Trump and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto showed the commander-in-chief boasting about his electoral victory and pressuring his southern counterpart to stay silent on the subject of a border wall. The conversation’s contents were released Thursday by The Washington Post, which were purportedly obtained from

Trump Backs Bill That’d Cut Legal Immigration In Half

On Wednesday, President Trump threw his weight behind a bill that would slash legal immigration to the United States in half within a decade. While the proposal isn’t likely to gain enough traction to pass into law, the commander-in-chief’s support showcases the latest item on the administration increasingly anti-immigration agenda. The effort, introduced to Congress

Chicago Settles for $40 Million Over Red-Light Cameras

Chicago is due to pay nearly $40 million to settle a class-action lawsuit which alleges the city ignored its own rules when issuing citations related to red-light cameras. Mayor Rahm Emanuel agreed to the $38.75 settlement, which alleged that Chicago failed to give adequate notice to the recipients of speed- and red-light camera violations. “We’re