Ryan Farrick is a freelance writer and small business advertising consultant based out of mid-Michigan. Passionate about international politics and world affairs, he’s an avid traveler with a keen interest in the connections between South Asia and the United States. Ryan studied neuroscience and has spent the last several years working as an operations manager in transportation logistics.

Trump Proposes an Axing of the EPA’s Budget

The Environmental Protection Agency was in panic-mode the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration. Memos from administration officials had poured into the office, ordering information about climate change to be taken off the agency’s website. Employees were reportedly clocking in to their shifts overcome with anxiety; some workers were in tears, wondering if they’d have a

Sandy Hook Parents Try Reinstating Lawsuit Against Remington

The parents of some of the Sandy Hook Massacre’s victims are asking the State Supreme Court to reinstate a lawsuit against Remington, a large firearms manufacturer. The attorney for the families participating in the litigation, Josh Koskoff, filed a 62-page document outlining their argument. Koskoff and his clients believe Remington knowingly marketed its AR-15 Bushmaster

H.R. 1215 – Punishing Americans Protected by Obamacare

House Republicans have spent a long time damning Barack Obama’s Affordable Healthcare Act. With Donald Trump in office and a majority in both chambers of Congress, the right-wing has already begun confidently chipping away at patient rights and protection. A newly-introduced bill, H.R. 1215, proposes punishing Americans who aren’t privately insured by capping medical malpractice

Judge: Immigrants Can File Lawsuit Against a Private Prison

A federal judge in Denver gave the green light for immigrants to file a class action lawsuit against a private prison operator. The lawsuit is centered on a 1,500-bed facility operated by GEO Group and located in Aurora, Colorado. Former detainees allege that their labor was taken advantage of. Inmates past and present said they’d

Oklahoma “Witchcraft” Doctor Prompts Legal Reform

The bizarre case of an Oklahoma psychiatrist who used tales of sorcery and evil spirits to coerce patients into sex could prompt a change in state law. Kyle L. Stewart – the so-called witchcraft doctor – surrendered his license after patients alleged he’d manipulated them with misleading diagnoses and bizarre stories. Stewart faced malpractice lawsuits

There’s Big Money Behind Trump Transition Team

Candidate Trump never shied away from bragging about being a big businessman. From talk about golf courses in Scotland to million-dollar deals in New York, the man has always sought to bind his brand to extravagance and wealth. As president, he’s left his role in the boardroom for a larger-than-life position in the Oval Office.

Trump Administration: We’re Keeping Private Prisons

The Trump Administration has officially said “no” to an Obama-era plan to phase out private prisons. On Thursday, newly-appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent out a memo rescinding the move. He opined that the order he was reversing had “changed the longstanding policy and practice, and impaired the Bureau’s ability to meet the future needs

Arkansas LGBT Anti-Discrimination Law Trashed

On Thursday, Supreme Court justices struck down an Arkansas LGBT anti-discrimination law. The city had created an ordinance banning discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Several other liberal communities in northwest Arkansas followed suit after a controversial bill was signed into law two years ago. The legislation had made it illegal

Florida Rehab CEO Arrested for Patient Brokering

The CEO of a Delray Beach rehab center which was raided in 2016 has been arrested on counts of patient brokering. Law enforcement officials say that Daniel Kandler of Chapters Recovery had paid four employees almost $325,000 in illegal kickbacks to bring patients in for treatment. Arrested on Thursday, Kandler faces 94 charges of patient

Texas Reinstates Law Against Harboring Illegal Immigrants

An appeals court in Texas reinstated a law which criminalized harboring illegal immigrants. The law had been pending since 2015, when it was passed by the state senate. A federal judge had issued an injunction against the law after two San Antonio landlords and their counsel filed a suit. The two men, backed by the