Choose the strategy which you like more, however, keep in mind to always balance your B2B business. Evaluate your real potential and generate leads accordingly.
Have you ever thought about why your online B2B business doesn’t work? Why do you fail to generate more leads and traffic?
It doesn’t matter if your target audience is B2B or B2C, as there are some best practices that can affect your business’ growth if integrated in your strategy.
Potential Buyers Love to be Educated
First and foremost, we need to remember that B2B owners do not like to throw their money away. They are prone to conduct in-depth research before buying something. Try to be as detailed as possible when describing your products or services:
- Turn your traffic generated articles into a deeply researched guide about your product or service.
- Offer comprehensive solutions and how-tos.
- Include detailed case studies, expert interviews, and your buyers’ surveys.
These lead magnets should be so valuable and trustworthy that the potential customer willingly gives his contact information, such as email address or phone number. Fair purchase isn’t it?
First Seconds to Catch Attention
Instead of writing about your products or services non stop, create appealing and informative visuals. Directly influence your audience’s mind. The probability is quite high that your website’s visitors would buy the product if the photo or the video have a powerful impact on them.
You don’t need to hire a designer or an agency. Instead, the internet is flooded with free video creating and photo design tools. You can use infographics to save your customers from heavy-hitting content. Make everything easily digestible and perceivable.
The Power of Words
Create captivating and inspiring subject lines that make the leads click on them. Make it emotionally grabbing. Use emojis and gifs to outline emotional texts where necessary. B2B owners are also human who are touched by those things. Include smart keywords in your content and generate new leads. There are a bunch of websites to provide you with the right keywords, however, you can also look through your competitors’ content and hook these words from there.
Free Services to Fascinate the Customers
Even, before buying chocolate chunks, the customer wants to be sure about the taste. What about if he has to spend hundreds of dollars on your product with a vague idea of its quality. Always offer something free- it could be a small service, advice, sample, etc. This grabs the customers’ attention and they will not miss it out. Of course, it will generate traffic to your website, convert into leads with time. This helps to keep visitors engaged with your brand until they’re ready to take action.
Include Geometric Progression

If the customer acquisition only stays on your shoulders, you could be worn out soon. Though, small tactics used in your campaigns could bring you several times more leads. Here is how the geometric progression work:
- Start at least with two potential customers. If each of them involves 2 leads, they could get, for example, a 5% discount.
- The new leads could be awarded similarly – involving 2 other customers each.
This approach progressively increases your customers’ numbers.
Outreach to new B2B Buyers on Mobile
The phone is an inseparable part of our life. According to statistics, there are 3.5 billion Smartphone users worldwide, who daily spend an average of 3 Hrs 40 Min a day on their Smartphones. Some researcher even found out, that
- 80 % of B2B buyers are now using mobile at work.
- More than 60% of these buyers report that mobile plays a critical role in their purchases.
- Around 70% of B2B queries are believed to be made by Smartphones in 2020.
Mobile accelerates purchase cycle, which boosts revenues and reduces costs. Concentrate on the working strategies and best practices to reach your customers on mobile and it will bring obvious changes.
Get Free Contacts by Doing a Favor to Other B2Bs
Search for local or national businesses that sell matching products to yours but are not your immediate competitors. Connect with them offering exposure exchange. This could be done through:
- Exchanging your email contacts lists,
- Creating cooperative ads, using both logos, pictures, etc.
The customers of both B2Bs learn about the new products and obtain a positive predisposition towards your brand, as it had been advertised by their trusted B2B.
Choose the strategy which you like more, however, keep in mind to always balance your B2B business. Evaluate your real potential and generate leads accordingly. If you have more leads than you can deal with, that will bring new adventures to you.
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