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Breaking of Partnership Contract: Legal Remedies to Consider

— September 17, 2024

Whenever you experience a partnership dispute, it’s vital to have an attorney to safeguard your assets and interests. 

Partnership disputes are expected even when the partners have the best intentions. Unluckily, such discords might disrupt business functions and damage your reputation. A partnership disputes attorney in Clearwater uses different legal remedies to resolve conflicts if a business ally contravenes their fiduciary obligation, embezzles assets, or wishes to exit the partnership. In this article, we will discuss some significant topics for entrepreneurs to comprehend if they believe their partner infringes on the partnership agreement. 

Common Reasons for Violating a Partnership Agreement

An infringement of a partnership contract might stem from various sources, which are the following:

  • Inadequate use of company resources
  • Missing or unclear terms
  • Not addressing or identifying discords of interests

Types of Partnership Conflicts

Partnership conflicts might emerge because of several reasons. For instance, there might be discords regarding financial resources, partner authority, or workload dissemination. Disagreements also ensue due to the discords on how profits and debts must be divided or the partners having distinct ideas for the organization. Therefore, common types of partnership conflicts are the following:

  • Violation of fiduciary obligation
  • Discords about ownership rights
  • Breach of partnership contracts
  • Embezzlement of funds
  • Misrepresentation or deception
  • Financial mismanagement

Resolving a partnership discord might be pricey and time-consuming. A top-notch partnership contract can assist in resolving disputes before they loom. In addition to outlining the responsibilities and rights of each partner, it can also provide a suitable process for resolving disputes. 

Partnership Disagreements Remedies

Mature male lawyer reading book with gavel and justice statue on wooden table; image by Freepik, via
Mature male lawyer reading book with gavel and justice statue on wooden table; image by Freepik, via

One can efficiently settle a partnership disagreement case in or out of court. While substitute dispute resolution strategies, for example, arbitration, mediation, and negotiation, can sometimes be beneficial to resolve disputes outside the courtroom, these strategies only work when parties compromise. Litigation might be the only practical solution for disagreeable situations, as they frequently are between rival business associates. The remedies are the following:

  • Injunctive Relief – Economic compensation would not be an adequate remedy whenever a business associate engages in conduct that could endanger the business so injunctive relief might be the best alternative. This remedy might be sought where a non-compete contract has been infringed, a business partner misused company assets, or embezzled trade secrets. 

To demonstrate that you might obtain injunctive relief, you must exhibit a success probability on the excellence, a peril of irreplaceable damage if the request isn’t endowed, and that equity tips in your favor.    

  • Judicial Dissolution – If a partnership is in place, it must determine the processes that must be obeyed in the dissolution moment. However, if there is no contract and the business partners don’t agree to dissolve the partnership, filing a legal action for judicial dissolution might be essential. 

In Clearwater, a judge might order a collaboration to be disbanded where it’s not reasonably feasible to execute a business partnership because of a partner’s misconduct. Judicial dissolution might also be requested when the agreement can only be executed in some situations, inducing a dissolution to be impartial.    

  • Economic Damages – A bonus for economic impairments is one of the best options to remediate the loss suffered by a firm due to a partner’s misdemeanor. A prize of economic damages helps cover the monetary losses of the disagreement. The available reparations, including liquidated and compensatory damages, will depend upon the discord.   

It is critical to realize that the correct wind-down processes must be undertaken if dissolution is the sole option for settling the partnership disagreement. The procedure entails paying off the business’s financial obligations, handling unfinished projects, and concluding contractual matters. So, whenever you experience a partnership dispute, it’s vital to have an attorney to safeguard your assets and interests. 

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