Michigan Lawyers Weekly has named Brian McKeen to its inaugural Hall of Fame Class of 2019. This honor recognizes Michigan legal leaders over the age of 60 for their notable success and demonstration of strong leadership both within and outside of their chosen field.
The 20 honorees are profiled in a special section appearing in the newspaper’s June 3 issue.
Brian McKeen, is founder and managing partner of McKeen & Associates. Brian is consistently recognized as one of the best medical malpractice attorneys in the nation. He is a past president of, and board member of the Michigan Association of Justice (MAJ) and is on the Board of Governors for the American Association for Justice where he has served as chair for its Professional Negligence section, Medical Negligence Exchange Group and Birth Trauma Litigation Group. He was inducted into the Inner Circle of Advocates in 2009. Last year, Brian won one of Michigan’s largest verdicts — $130 million — on behalf of a cerebral palsy sufferer.

McKeen & Associates, P.C. is a leader in representing individuals injured by the negligence of others particularly in or by hospitals and physicians Based in Detroit, McKeen & Associates represents clients in both federal and state courts brought throughout Michigan and the United States. For more information, visit www.mckeenassociates.com.
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