Rear Seat Danger Ignored by NHTSA

Imagine replacing your car seats with lawn chairs. Or cardboard. How safe would those changes be if you were in a rear-end crash? Safe enough according to the federal government! Rear Seat Danger Ignored by NHTSA.

Strict Product Liability

Arkansas has long followed the Restatement (Second) of Torts Section 402A (1965) which provides that in order for a plaintiff to recover for harm or injury caused by a defective product, the product must be sold “in a defective condition” and be unreasonably dangerous to a consumer. What this means is that as a consumer, you

Breach of Warranty

When a seller makes a promise to a buyer there are implications if the seller breaks that promise. Breach of warranty is a possible remedy for a buyer if a broken promise has caused them harm.

Global Economy Showing Signs of Impending Crisis

Demand is down. Prices are down. Wages are down. The markets are down. And money, that half-fictitious substance, is largely to be found in the parasitical financial markets in the form of debt. These are ominous signs. In a fact-filled article published on the World Socialist Website (WSWS), journalist Barry Grey lays out in plain

Tentative Agreement Reached between Fiat-Chrysler and UAW: Strike Averted

Williams’ announcement came minutes after Thursday’s midnight strike deadline, and it also comes exactly a week after UAW representatives announced that the 36,000 hourly and 4,000 salaried UAW members rejected the previous contract agreed on by the union and Fiat-Chrysler management by a sizable 65 to 35 margin. Williams said that there were changes made to this agreement from the one rejected, although he has yet to specify the differences. The deal will stave off the immediate threat of a strike, but it still must be approved both UAW local leaders and its members.

Marijuana Industry faces First Product Liability Lawsuit

There are no federal regulations on the use of pesticides on marijuana plants because it is still considered to be an illegal crop at the federal level; however Colorado authorities did release a list of approved treatments, with Eagle 20 not being on the approved list. Flores justified filing the suit by saying, “I want these companies to take a step back and look at what they are putting into their products. These warehouses are getting big and really sloppy. They are adding chemicals to make things more efficient and more potent.

CFPB to Propose Forced Arbitration Changes

The proposed regulation would not completely ban the practice in its entirety, but instead force to add a section that states that the arbitration procedures do not apply if a complaint has been certified by a judge for class-action litigation. Codrary said about the provision, “Under this proposed approach, consumers would again get their day in court to hold companies accountable for potential wrongdoing. We think that’s quite important.” The rule would also require companies to publicly post which claims have been brought to arbitration and the awards issued.

Volkswagen Internal Audit Focuses on Engineers as Lawsuits Mount over Emissions Scandal

he engines were set to be a revolutionary breakthrough, used not just for Volkswagen models, but also for the company’s premium brand Audi, and less costly offshoots Skoda and Seat, along with some light commercial vehicles. Although specifics remain sketchy, it appears that management from the engineering team instructed the use of the software, under pressure to market the “clean diesel” breakthrough. The internal audit discovered that engineers realized that the vehicles would not, at the very least, meet U.S. diesel emissions standards, which are more stringent than in Europe.

How will Gap between UAW Workers and Fiat-Chrysler be Bridged?

Although the UAW is currently regrouping its efforts, there is a real possibility that FCA employees will strike, the first in decades. Following Thursday’s announcement, union leaders met with 300 UAW shop representatives throughout the night, yielding discussions, but no tangible solution to the impasse. Williams hinted that a return to the bargaining table in the near future could be possible, saying in a statement that the union will “gather the issues; notify FCA that further discussions are needed.” Williams added, “We don’t consider this a setback; we consider the membership vote a part of the process we respect.”