Criminal Offenses Associated with Driving Under the Influence
The fines, jail time, and additional consequences that come with DUI charges are a lot to deal with and create a very stressful situation for the defendant.
The fines, jail time, and additional consequences that come with DUI charges are a lot to deal with and create a very stressful situation for the defendant.
Attorneys can better educate a person on the best route for them to take regarding the case, so they don’t have to suffer serious penalties.
Their exact penalties will vary depending on their personal criminal history and what happened during the DUI arrest.
There are many different charges and penalties that drivers will have to face when they are arrested for DUI.
No matter what type of criminal charges you are facing, you should always exercise your rights and defend yourself.
Anyone who is facing additional charges with their DUI will need the help of lawyers in the area who are qualified in their field.
If a person has a child under the age of 14 in their vehicle and they were drunk driving, then they will be charged with enhanced DUI because of the additional element of child endangerment.
Driving under the influence cases often become very complex, very fast.
In some cases, if a person is showing clear signs of impairment and they refuse to submit a breath test, then they will be charged with DUI.
If a person obtains a PBJ it means that the judge is giving a period or probation instead of taking the guilty verdict.