I-96 Corridor Shooter Seeks Insanity Defense
Highway shooter files motion claiming he should have been able to plead insanity.
Highway shooter files motion claiming he should have been able to plead insanity.
In the case of an OVI/DUI offense, law enforcement must have probable cause to stop and detain a person allegedly driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or substances
A DUI charge isn’t something that you should brush off lightly. It can have dire, long-lasting consequences. For this reason, it’s important to hire an experienced DUI attorney.
Your legal counsel is there to help you deal with this difficult time. Follow the advice given closely and work with your lawyer in every way possible.
Remember that your DUI lawyer is there to ensure your rights are protected and to do whatever is legally possible to help you get through this situation
Defending yourself against a DWI charge is never easy. You need the expertise and invaluable assistance of a lawyer to navigate the situation properly and smoothly.
You don’t need to have the hardest of times dealing with the consequences of driving under the influence as long as you have someone who can advocate for you during the criminal prosecution.
Indeed, getting arrested for a driving under the influence offense can be a very frustrating experience. If you don’t know what to do, you’ll end up losing the happy life you’ve had before your arrest.
Most small businesses are slow to take advantage of the technological resources that are available to fight certain types of fraud
The stain on your reputation can create uneasiness with your neighbors and coworkers, while the feelings of embarrassment and shame can make relationships with family and relatives very rocky.