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DAWN Statement on Lifting of Suspension of “Offensive” Weapons Shipments to Saudi Arabia

— August 28, 2024

“Resuming these arms transfers contradicts U.S. policies and laws, which should prevent the arming of forces accused of committing war crimes and gross human rights abuses,” said Raed Jarrar, DAWN’s advocacy director.

In response to the reports that the Biden administration is lifting its suspension of “offensive” weapons shipments to Saudi Arabia and resuming air-to-ground munitions sales to it, DAWN, the organization founded by the late Jamal Khashoggi, issued the following statement:

“The Biden Administration’s decision to resume selling offensive weapons toSaudi Arabia, will encourage renewed Saudi belligerence in the region and grant a stamp of approval for its dictatorship’s ongoing oppression of its citizens ,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, DAWN’s executive director. “This is the nail in the coffin of the Biden administration’s pretend commitment to democracy and human rights, much less his promise to hold the Saudi regime accountable for its crimes in Yemen and its own country.”

“The decision to resume air-to-ground munitions transfers to Saudi Arabia comes in a context in which we have repeatedly seen the Biden administration ignore very obvious issues with how partner countries use American weaponry, including air-to-ground munitions, in the case of Israel’s military operations in Gaza,” said Josh Paul, DAWN’s senior advisor. “The administration’s lifting of the pause within 24 hours of its notification to Congress of 6,500 more Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs) for Israel should be indicative of the low level of concern from both the State Department and the White House to mitigating civilian harm.”

“Resuming these arms transfers contradicts U.S. policies and laws, which should prevent the arming of forces accused of committing war crimes and gross human rights abuses,” said Raed Jarrar, DAWN’s advocacy director. “Whether it is Israel or Saudi Arabia, the U.S. should not be complicit in aiding and abetting human rights violations. This decision ignores the devastating humanitarian impact these weapons have had, particularly on Yemeni civilians.”

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