Black Employees Claim Tesla Can’t Control Widespread Racism

Tesla is coming under fire by some of its black workers, who’ve filed multiple lawsuits in an effort to purge the company what they said is widespread racism. According to the New York Times, many of the complaints originate in Tesla’s Fremont, CA factory. Interviews, e-mails and sworn legal statements have been filed by more

Contamination Scare Prompts Del Monte to Recall Canned Corn Products

Concerns over potential contamination prompted Del Monte to recall certain canned corn products. According to the notice, the recall includes more than “64,000 cases of ‘FIESTA CORN Seasoned with Red & Green Peppers.’” It turns out, the recalled corn may have been under-processed. When this happens, it may result in “potentially deadly contamination and illness.”

Trump Administration Covered Up Wells Fargo Charging Students High Fees

POLITICO claims that the Trump administration has actively covered up a new report that shows Wells Fargo is exploiting college students with high penalties and fees. The purportedly ‘unpublished’ report was obtained by POLITICO through a Freedom of Information Act request. Written by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the memo has a controversial past. The