“Our attorneys have been protecting people seriously injured in automobile accidents throughout Michigan for more than 50 years. It’s also our mission to help those in need, to give back to our communities, and to help make Michigan a better and safer place.” This is from the website of Michigan Auto Law, a Michigan firm making giving back a priority, which is why they’re featured in this week’s Feel Good Friday post.
“Our attorneys have been protecting people seriously injured in automobile accidents throughout Michigan for more than 50 years. It’s also our mission to help those in need, to give back to our communities, and to help make Michigan a better and safer place.” This is from the website of Michigan Auto Law, a Michigan firm making giving back a priority, which is why they’re featured in this week’s Feel Good Friday post.
Often, I’ll choose a firm or an individual attorney and showcase one particular instance of giving back. Honestly, when I looked at this firm’s website, it was hard to decide which act of giving back to their community that I wanted to highlight. So, I didn’t choose only one; instead, I chose four. You’ll see why shortly.
I’m a Michigan native and it’s January. Unless you’ve never heard of our weather reputation (there are some folks outside of the U.S. who haven’t), it is cold. Scratch that; it’s damn cold. As I write this, it is 12⁰F with 13mph winds, making it feel like -3⁰F. Cold. Sadly, there are many folks in this winter wonderland who don’t have enough food to eat. Not only are they (like the rest of us) freezing, but they’re also hungry. Enter Michigan Auto Law… This firm worked with two different food-based organizations to help feed the hungry.

The first one is Forgotten Harvest, an Oak Park-based food bank. The team at Michigan Auto Law not only made a financial donation to this non-profit, they also worked to package 4,182 pounds of food donations for hungry families in the metro Detroit area. Forgotten Harvest “rescues surplus, prepared and perishable food and donates it to 250 emergency food providers throughout Michigan.”
They also volunteered at the Gleaners Community Food Bank packing food donations for more hungry families. From the firm’s site, “Gleaners distributed 46 million pounds of emergency food to more than 600 soup kitchens, shelters and pantries throughout Michigan.”
Their sense of community service doesn’t stop there, however. Their team also has a strong commitment to child safety. One way they demonstrate this commitment is via free child safety seat inspections and installations. Not surprising that they chose this act of giving back, as they focus on automobile accidents in their practice. What better way of mitigating – and potentially eliminating – some injuries than making sure that your children’s safety seats are, in fact, safe and properly installed.

The firm’s very own car seat safety technician is certified by SafeKids Worldwide and the National Child Passenger Safety Certification Training Program. According to the firm, “this is a government program and any child safety technician in the U.S. must be certified by SafeKids Worldwide.”
The car seat safety program is run out of the firm’s Farmington Hills office located at:
Michigan Auto Law
30101 Northwestern Highway
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Interested in an inspection? Either call Michigan Auto Law at 888-995-8441 or email info@michiganautolaw.com for an appointment. Their certified technician is available from 9AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday.
Last, for those who don’t know it, Michigan is a state that bleeds football. The colors are either maize and blue (University of Michigan) or green and white (Michigan State University). The rivalry between the two is well-known throughout the state. Well, Michigan Auto Law isn’t exempt from that rivalry. Only they’ve taken it a step farther and turned it into an opportunity to give back to the community.

Again, from the firm’s website: “Every year, our firm has a University of Michigan/Michigan State University rivalry that ends with a charity donation by the lawyers who went to the losing school to the charity of choice of the winning team. We recently made a financial contribution to the leading Ann Arbor children’s hospital.” That hospital is the University of Michigan Mott Children’s Hospital, an organization that does amazing things in pediatric healthcare.
So, hat’s off (quickly, it’s cold out there!) to Michigan Auto Law for doing so much for their clients and their community!
How Our Lawyers Give Back To The Community
Unsure if your car seat is installed properly? Our certified technician can inspect it today!
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