Long Island Veterans Hospital is an Example of VA Failure

The failure of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA, to regulate its health division has stayed in the news, yet nothing seems to be done about it. The latest example, Long Island Veterans Hospital, of that failure was reported by the New York Times on September 19, 2016. The Northport VA Medical Center, located

Powerful Antibiotic Use is on the Rise in U.S. Hospitals

The Centers for Disease Control, CDC, conducted a study that found powerful antibiotic use is on the rise in U.S. hospitals. The antibiotics in question are potent drugs designed to treat bacterial infections. They have historically been used after other treatment options have failed. The study was instituted as a result of the increasing incidents

UPDATE: Trumping the Safety of our Food

Remember that time when Stewart Parnell, who ran the Peanut Corporation of America, knew about the salmonella bacteria contaminating his filthy factory’s peanut butter and covered it up, telling his workers to “just ship it” anyway? The infected peanut butter, prosecutors alleged, killed nine people and sickened thousands. As a result, Parnell is now in

A Final DHHS Rule Affects Medical Related Clinical Trials

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, DHHS, issued a news release on September 16, 2016, announcing a final rule that will go into effect on January 18, 2017. The final DHHS Rule affects medical related clinical trials. Researchers will have 90 days to comply. The new rule expands the existing rule on the

Failure to Medicate: Ex-Inmate Awarded $3 Million

John Henricks, a former inmate of the Ohio state prison system, was awarded a $3 million dollar settlement by a jury earlier this week after the state failed to answer his complaint in the appropriate amount of time. Henricks, who initially represented himself when he filed the case, accused Dr. Ida Gonzalez, along with the

No Longer Sweet on the Sugar Industry

When the revelation of a long-buried conspiracy by the sugar industry to blame fat for sugar-related health problems came to light last week, many heads nodded knowingly. There have been whispers for years about the topsy-turvy health advice handed down by the mainstream media and health establishment, recommending low-fat diets for people who wanted to live

The Decay of our Dental Care System

In 2007, 12-year-old Deamonte Driver died from a preventable brain infection. The Maryland youth suffered from a tooth infection that spread to his brain after his family, who had difficulty finding a dentist who would take Medicaid before their coverage lapsed, was unable to afford dental care. After Deamonte’s death, then-Maryland governor Martin O’Malley introduced

FDA Enacted a Rule Banning the Sale of Some Antibacterial Soaps

On September 2, 2016, the Food and Drug Administration, FDA, enacted a final rule banning the sale of some antibacterial soaps. The ban includes liquid and bar soaps containing, among other active chemicals, the most commonly used triclosan and triclocarban. The manufacturers could not prove that the antibacterial soaps were any more effective than regular

Another Day, Another Big Pharma Bully

In yet another unsurprising case of Big Pharma trying to control the fate of millions of Americans’ health, Insys Therapeutics has donated $500,000 to an anti-legalization of marijuana campaign in Arizona known as Proposition 205. Pro-legalization advocates view the half million dollar donation as a further attempt to line the pockets of powerful drug corporations