Lawsuit Filed Against a Wisconsin Veterans Affairs Facility

A lawsuit filed against a Wisconsin Veterans Affairs facility is alleging medical malpractice and wrongful death. The wife and the daughter of Jason Simcakoski filed the lawsuit in Madison, Wisconsin, on August 29th, 2016. It is not clear at this time what damages his family are seeking. Simcakoski was 35 years old in 2014 when

Newport-Mesa Schools Refused Asbestos Related Recommendations

According to The Orange County Register, the Newport-Mesa Schools refused asbestos related recommendations from the Orange County Grand Jury. On September 25, 2014, modernization construction was in progress on three schools, Hope View, Lake View and Oak View in the Ocean View School District, Orange County, CA. In September of that year, John Brisco, a

Aspartame: Science, Tribalism and Purity

Is aspartame dangerous? The answer you receive depends upon who you ask. However, do varying answers prove an actual controversy surrounding the safety of aspartame and artificial sweeteners in general? Or could it be that something else is informing the debate between two sides who both believe that the weight of science rests squarely on

Gene Wilder; Gone But Not Forgotten

On August 29, 2016, the world lost one the greatest comedic performers, in my opinion, of all time. Gene Wilder, known to many as the iconic “Willy Wonka” from the classic film “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” succumbed to Alzheimer’s Disease at the age of 83. Before his passing, only those closest to him

Taxotere Can Cause Permanent Hair Loss – Why Does it Matter?

Taxotere (docetaxel) is a drug that is manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis for use in treating a number of different types of cancer. In 2004, the Food and Drug Administration, FDA, approved Taxotere for the treatment of breast cancer. It has since been discovered that Taxotere can cause permanent hair loss. An expected side effect of cancer

Medicare Fraud Strike Force was Successful

On June 22nd, 2016, Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell of the Department of Health and Human Services, DHHS, published a press release announcing that the Department of Justice Medicare Fraud Strike Force was successful in a takedown that is unprecedented in history. Thirty-six federal districts participated in a nationwide sweep

A Woman’s Right to Choose…IVF?

Many supporters of the pro-life movement argue the issue is a religious one; that it has to do with God and His intentions and therefore, those who support women’s reproductive rights are wrong without question. God is generally the center of these discussions as being the reason women get pregnant in the first place (though

EpiPen Price Increase: A Tale of Epic Fail

Just last week, Mylan Inc. decided it was a good idea to raise the price of the life-saving EpiPen, which is used to stop a person from going into anaphylactic shock after experiencing an allergic reaction. Life-threatening allergies are on the rise and millions of people rely on the EpiPen to maintain their quality of

Taxotere Cancer Treatment Drug and Permanent Hair Loss Lawsuits

Taxotere is the synthetic version of Taxol. It is manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis and used to treat a variety of cancers. Taxotere cancer treatment drug and permanent hair loss lawsuits have been filed by numerous plaintiffs in multiple states are related to its use for breast cancer. The drug has been aggressively used by physicians to

What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love and Planned Parenthood?

In 2011, Republican senator Jon Kyl of Arizona falsely claimed that performing abortions was “90 percent” of what Planned Parenthood does. Backtracking on the ludicrous claim, Kyl’s team of trained robots released a statement indicating his remarks were not intended to be a factual statement. Huh? So essentially, we can all spout stats in public,