Largest Personal Injury Settlement In Pennsylvania
Largest Personal Injury Settlement In Pennsylvania
Largest Personal Injury Settlement In Pennsylvania
Jury Awards $10 Million To Former Geisinger Patient
Settlement Checks Mailed In Sexual Abuse Case, Provides Some Closure
The Declaration of Independence says that, We the People are endowed with “unalienable Rights” of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. But the people’s Life, Liberty, and Happiness are dependent upon health care and safety. Do “We the People” want to go where Republicans want to take us? Republican Proposals The new national policies being
Earlier this month, Time Magazine printed an interview with Donald Trump. In the interview, Trump spoke about the Navy’s Gerald Ford-class aircraft carriers and the kinks that they’re still working out with the new magnetic catapult technology. The Electro-Magnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) isn’t perfect yet, but Trump, who seems to believe that nobody else can understand what he fails to understand, called for the Navy to trash EMALS and return to catapults powered by “G*ddamned steam.” While Trump’s steampunk directive is a bit cringeworthy, other retro trends merit a closer look. History may not repeat, but it certainly rhymes, and lately, everything old is new again.
Jelly Belly Candies Contain Sugar? Who Knew!
Family Files Complaint Alleging VA Clinic Responsible For Father’s Death
A recent global study of healthcare systems discovered what experts are calling “distressing” findings in reference to the quality of the U.S. healthcare system, a topic many Americans often grumble and complain about.
Eyeprints Used To Avoid Mischarting
Orange County, New York has filed a lawsuit against Purdue Pharma LP, Johnson & Johnson (JNJ, N) and other drug makers alleging they engaged in fraudulent marketing that played down the risks of prescription opioid painkillers leading the drug epidemic.