JPML Maintains Narrow Focus of Mirena MDL

The orders from the March JPML panel hearing have been posted, and the JPML issued an order denying a motion by a plaintiff to centralize her case in the Mirena IUD device litigation MDL proceeding in the SDNY.  In its order, the JPML indicated that centralization into the pending MDL was denied because the potential

SCOTUS Denies Cert in Generic Preemption Case

Federal preemption of claims against generic drug manufacturers has prevented (or severely limited) the ability of users of generic drugs from bringing products liability claims premised upon the failure to warn.  Certain state courts have indicated that some state tort law claims may not necessarily be barred by federal preemption, but these “baby steps” potentially

Xarelto MDL has first status conference

The first conference in the Xarelto MDL (In Re: Xarelto (Rivoroxaban) Products Liability Litigation, MDL 2592,  proceeding in the Eastern District of Louisiana, before the Hon. Eldon E. Fallon, took place on January 29, 2015.  Judge Fallon, an experienced MDL presiding judge, has already set up a website for the MDL (, with posts of

Viagra Linked to Melanoma, Study Shows

This year, a team of medical researchers from Harvard Medical School published a study in JAMA that demonstrated men who used Viagra (sildenafil) were more than twice as likely to suffer melanoma as men who never used the drug. Here, we’ll discuss another article from Harvard University that raised concerns similar to those found in

Power Morcellators: FDA Urges More Safety Information

On November 24th, the United States Food and Drug Administration issued a news release suggesting that more safety information be added to the packaging of power morcellators, medical devices used in laparoscopic procedures (minimally-invasive surgeries) such as hysterectomy and myomectomy.  As hysterectomy is the second most common surgery undergone by women, safe medical devices for

IVC Filters: FDA Was Wary Four Years Back

Have you ever seen one of those metal head massagers, the ones with thin, spider-like metal legs that bend and flex to tickle your scalp?  That’s pretty much exactly how inferior vena cava filters look, except IVC filters are much smaller – they fit inside a vein, and are used to catch blood clots before

Tylenol MDL: Acetaminophen Linked to Serious Side Effects, Death

Last year, a Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) was created to consolidate lawsuits against McNeil PPC, Inc., the company that owns Johnson and Johnson, alleging that “over-the-counter (“OTC”) acetaminophen containing products that are [marketed] and sold under its TYLENOL® brand-name caused liver damage, including liver failure, even when taken as directed.” Currently, there are about 125 Tylenol

Strker Hip Replacement Settlement Valued at $1.4 Billion

This month, CBS affiliate WNEM reported that a settlement has been reached in a lawsuit over defective Stryker hips.  In this defective hip replacement settlement, Stryker agreed to pay over $1.4 billion in damages to patients who received faulty implants. For more on defective hip replacements, check out our sister blog, DangerousDrugs WNEM writes, “Thousands

Cook Medical IVC MDL Cases Transfered to Southern District of Indiana

Plaintiffs in 12 of 27 pending cases against Cook Medical successfully moved the Judicial Panel on Multi District Litigation (“JPMDL”) for centralization of their cases into an MDL.  These cases were centralized into an MDL,  In re Cook Medical, Inc., IVC Filters Marketing, Sales Practices, and Products Liability Location, MDL No. 2570, and were transferred

HIPAA, Tort Reform, and State Law Remedies for Violations

The demand for privacy law expertise continues to increase, as courts and lawmakers wrestle with the issue of what sorts of information are protected under the law, how violations are or should be enforced, what forms of recourse and relief are available to aggrieved parties, and where such relief may be obtained. The Eleventh Circuit