Study Finds Graphene is not a Risk to Humans
Material with a wide range of uses is found to be harmful to humans.
Material with a wide range of uses is found to be harmful to humans.
Some everyday bad habits may, in reality, aid in building and maintaining immunity.
Parents are eager to change schools when kids’ mental health is suffering.
Study finds that active grandparent involvement can help improve the mental health of moms.
NYC is taking legal action alleging social media addiction is causing financial strain.
Military facilities were hit hard by commercial prescription processor attack.
Concerns over Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) for those with debilitating mental health conditions remain.
The Medford Police Department is continuing to investigate allegations that a nurse stole intravenous fentanyl for personal use, replacing infusions with tap water–potentially injuring, and killing, multiple patients at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center.
New study shows adults are still struggling to receive proper mental health care as COVID continues.
The country’s providers struggle to keep up with youth mental health crises.