Healthcare service providers can utilize mobile apps to offer better patient experience and enhanced healthcare services.
The healthcare industry is thriving. However, healthcare service providers have to face many difficulties in leveraging the benefits of this sector’s growth. Be it changing expectations of patients or growing competition, healthcare organizations have to deal with every aspect carefully without affecting their services. Here, technology lends a helping hand.
Offering quality healthcare services to patients even if they live in remote or rural areas is the need of the hour. Many aspiring entrepreneurs who want to establish healthcare startups eye on this concept to make their startups successful. This is not all. Many other innovative concepts in the healthcare sector are still unexplored or minimally utilized.
Thankfully, technological advancements can enable startups to integrate these concepts through healthcare apps. Simply put, healthcare app development offers you an opportunity to change the face of the healthcare sector. These days, mobile apps have become prominent in every industry sector.
Let’s see how they revolutionize the healthcare sector through some ground-breaking ideas.
Top Healthcare App Ideas to Make Successful Medical Apps
Either you own a healthcare startup or running an established healthcare organization, great app ideas are always useful to boost your services and improve patient experience. Here we give some of the unique ideas for healthcare app development that can benefit your organization a lot. We will classify them into two types-
- Applications meant for doctors
- Applications meant for patients
Here are the top ideas for healthcare app development-
Ideas for Doctors
1. Reference and Education Apps
This type of idea has a lot of potential and young doctors find it very useful. Reference and education apps provide them access to all necessary information and assist to streamline various medical procedures. Reference apps are useful for having information related to diagnosis, possible drug interactions, and treatment.
The doctor’s job is very complicated and there is no room for a single mistake. Every time, the doctor has to focus on the patient’s health condition. Medical reference apps can simplify medical procedures for them and assist them to focus more on treatment. Apps like Visual DX and Epocrates are known examples of reference apps.
- Health Tracking Apps
These apps are based on healthcare IoT devices. Doctors can track the health condition of the patients through these apps. Healthcare organizations can incorporate these applications into their EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems and track all the vitals of the patients. Smart wearables can fetch data like pulse rate, blood pressure, and sugar level, and doctors can access the data on their smartphones through health tracking apps.

As per the official report, the IoT market is expected to cross $125 billion in terms of valuation by the year 2025. The health tracking apps can make the most of the smart healthcare wearables. QardioCore and Lybrate are major examples of such apps.
3. Medical Training Apps
It is imperative for doctors to perform their tasks carefully and efficiently. It requires practice and training. The medical training apps are designed by keeping this perspective in mind. Emerging technologies like AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), mixed reality, and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are integrated into the medical training apps to give doctors a training of surgical procedures. Young and inexperienced doctors find this app highly useful as they can learn the know-hows of surgical processes without operating on the patient.
SentiAR is such a training app based on AR technology that helps the doctor understand the patient’s anatomy through holograms.
4. Medical Translation Apps
Language acts as a barrier for patients and prevents them from discussing their health issues or symptoms with doctors. Medical translation apps can help doctors to understand the patient’s language and prescribe them necessary treatment effectively. As per a survey, as many as 22% of the US population are non-English speakers. Also, the concept like telemedicine apps can be implemented more effectively using such apps.
Medical translation apps are one of the best ideas for developing healthcare apps for startups. An example of a medical translation app is Medibabble.
Ideas for Patients
1. Self-test Apps
This type of app utilizes the sensors of smartphone. The healthcare app development services can utilize the scope of such apps by enabling the users to monitor their health and take necessary actions based on the details. These apps also save a lot of time for users as they do not need to visit the doctor or a lab for testing.
Self-test apps are here to stay. uChek and Ada are some of the examples of such self-analying apps. It is fair to mention that self-test apps have a very promising future.
2. Medical Records Apps
These apps are aimed at collecting valuable health data of the users. They can enter health records in the app regularly and share this data with the health expert during the consultation. The physician or doctor can formulate a medication plan or initiate treatment based on the user’s health records. Medical records app can save the valuable time of doctors and enable them to take quick action, especially during any emergency condition.
3. Consultation Apps
Consultation apps are a kind of on-demand apps for patients to schedule an appointment with the doctors. The app users can simply find the nearby doctors for consultation and get the time slot as per the doctor’s availability. Consultation app development is one of the most potential ideas for startups and established healthcare organizations alike. Apart from making online appointments, these apps allow patients to consult the doctors and physicians through video chat.
The Doctor on Demand app has received massive funding of $74 million to date, which indicates popularity of such apps.
4. Reminder Apps
Elders and patients with multiple ailments find these apps very handy because these apps keep them reminding them of taking medications regularly. A startup can be established by implementing a health reminder concept with the help of a healthcare app development company. The web world has numerous resources available to build such health reminder apps.
The health reminder apps can also provide health tips and other necessary details to the patients. In this pandemic time, such apps can work wonders for startups to gain popularity. A US-based firm Medisafe has expanded its presence across the world with the help of this concept.
Concluding Lines
The mobile app development offers many benefits to the healthcare sector. Also, the app development domain has a lot of scope in the healthcare industry. The healthcare service providers can utilize mobile apps to offer better patient experience and enhanced healthcare services.
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