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Here’s Why Rear-Ending a Semi-Truck is So Dangerous

— July 27, 2022

This “shearing” force is perhaps the greatest threat for motorists who rear-end semi–trucks. Often, this phenomenon is enough to completely decapitate drivers.

If you rear end another vehicle, you might assume that you’d escape with far less serious injuries than the motorist in front of you. Usually, this logic is sound. But when you rear-end a semi-truck, the tables are turned in a very dramatic fashion. When a semi-truck is rear-ended by a passenger vehicle, it’s the rear-ender that comes out worse. This is due to a number of factors, including both obvious and not-so-obvious points. 

If you have been injured in a semi-truck crash, it makes sense to get in touch with accident attorneys at your earliest convenience. With their help, you can strive for the best possible results. Although it can be tricky to sue a semi-truck company or driver if you rear-ended them, it’s certainly not impossible. This is especially true if the truck was parked improperly or failed to use their hazard lights. In any case, you at least deserve the right to explore your legal options alongside Wichita truck accident lawyers. With the right approach, a financial settlement can be within your grasp. 

The Concept of “Underriding” 

When it comes to semi-truck accidents in Kansas, underriding becomes an important concept. This phenomenon is what leads to many fatalities in these accidents. Simply put, underriding is when a smaller vehicle slides or slips underneath the back of the trailer in a rear-ender. The vehicle then becomes partially lodged underneath the semi-truck – usually with a considerable portion of its roof sheared completely away. 

This “shearing” force is perhaps the greatest threat for motorists who rear-end semi–trucks. Often, this phenomenon is enough to completely decapitate drivers. This is why underriding and semi-truck rear-enders in general are so dangerous. Steps have been taken to prevent underriding, namely with guardrails placed around the semi-truck to prevent vehicles from slipping underneath the trailer. 

Other Hazards

Car on fire after accident; image by Wing-Chi Poon, via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.5, no changes made.
Image by Wing-Chi Poon, via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.5, no changes made.

Believe it or not, vehicles can also catch fire after rear-ending semi-trucks. This became abundantly clear after a crash in Stanton County1. The incident began when a man driving a pickup truck crashed into the back of a semi when the commercial vehicle suddenly slowed down. After the initial impact, the pickup truck veered away from the road, came to a stop, and promptly caught fire with the injured driver still inside. This inevitably led to the victim’s death. 

Where Can I Find an Attorney Near Me?

If you’ve been searching for qualified Wichita accident lawyers, there are plenty of qualified professionals who can assist you. These lawyers can guide you towards a positive outcome in a highly confident manner. With their help, you can strive for a considerable financial settlement – even if it seems at first that you were to blame for the rear-ender. Remember, Kansas is a “no-fault” state, which means it is often possible to receive compensation without ever establishing fault2. Book your consultation today to explore your legal possibilities. 



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